Daddy Michael

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Ok so just letting you all know, THIS ISN'T MICHAEL BEING ALL KINKY! YOU DIRTY CHILDREN *even though I'm just like you* I know I know, you all wanted some smut *cue sad violin they use in a lot of shit*

Oh and I'm not sorry for that picture of daddy!Michael #sorrynotsorry for all Michael girls


As I sat in Mikey's man cave, playing a few of his video games since he never cares, i felt an unusual feeling in my stomach. Usually I would ignore it, but the feeling was bothering me. I paused the game and stood up, going to the bathroom to take some medicine. I then felt a sudden rush from my gut to my throat. I ran as fast as my legs could take me, not even having time to turn on the lights before i was thowing up into the toilet.

When i finished, i flushed the toilet and washed my mouth. I had a weird feeling as to why i threw up. I hadn't eaten anything today and i wasn't sick. Then worry came over me as i thought about what could've happened; i was pregnant.

I began mumbling to myself about how i couldn't be pregnant. I remember clearly that i took the pill before Michael and i had sex two nights ago. Mikey was currently at the studio and wouldn't be back for another hour or so. I quickly dialed Your/Best Friends/Name and waited.

"What's up?"
"I need to tell you something."
"Ok, go on"
"Ok, so a few minutes ago i threw up. I don't know why i did, i didn't eat anything and I'm positive I'm not sick. I don't know what to do"

Everything was silent for a while until Y/BF/N spoke

"Go take a pregnancy test."
"WHAT?! There's no way I'm pregnant, i took the pill!"
"The pill sometimes doesn't work, go take one now. Let me know how it goes."

And with that the line went dead. Many thoughts raced into my mind as i drove to the store and grabbed a box. The cashier looked at me and quirked her eyebrows at me, but i ignored it. As soon as i got home, i raced to the bathroom. I practically ripped open the box and took one test, awaiting the results. I waited three minutes like the box said before checking; positive

My heart began to race as i took one more to be certain, and it said the same thing. I didn't even know what to feel at this point. I began to cry out of joy, but then put of sadness. I began to think about what Michael would think. We're both only 19, still soo young. His career is still rising to the top, with a baby it would only distract him. I quickly called Y/BF/N to tell the news, and boy was Y/BF/N over the moon about it.

I soon heard the front door open, so i quickly stood up and wiped my eyes. I grabbed one of the tests, as it still showed positive on it. It seemed like my whole body was shaking with nervousness. I took a deep breath and walked out, seeing Michael taking off his jacket.

"Oh hey babe, I didn't know you were in the bathroom." He said, walking over to me and giving me a kiss. He had a innocent smile on his face that i loved, but soon changed as he saw my expression.

"Y/N, is everything okay? Why do you look nervous?" He asked, resting his hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh before hesitantly handing him the stick. He looked at me before taking the stick out of my hand, reading it. His eyes went wide, so i looked away. I had a feeling that he'd be mad and disappointed in me, but i was apparently wrong.

"You're seriously pregnant?" He asked with a tone i couldn't quite make out. I shook my head yes, still not looking at him.

"Mikey I'm soo sorry. I knew i took the pill for sure, but i guess it didn't work out. Mikey, please don't be mad. I know that a baby will be distr-" i didn't even have time to finish before he gave me a passionate kiss.

"Do you really think I'm mad? I'm soo happy baby! There's a fucking baby inside you, OUR BABY! I'm gonna be a father!" He said with such joy. I felt as if i wanted to cry knowing that he was ecstatic about this.

"But won't this interfere with your career? Plus we're soo young, i thought you'd be upset that i ruined you career."

"Babe, this won't interfere with anything. This is wonderful news to hear! I know we're both young, but we'll make this work together. I'll be here for you and the baby. There's no way on earth that this ruined everything. If anything, it's made it better." I smiled as did he, giving him a huge hug. He lifted up my shirt (which was really his) and rested his hand on my belly, smiling at me.

"We're going to be awesome parents Y/N."

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