Dating them would include

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-"babe, can we get a dog?"
-squishing his cheeks
-calling him many names like C-Dizzle, Hoodie, Clumito, Column, etc.
-stealing his beanies/snapbacks
-him being naked 24/7
-playing football(soccer)with him
-you two being complete weirdos together
-literally dying when you see a photo of baby Calum
-him trying to convince you be be naked as well
-him carrying you bridal style a lot
-having Mali-Koa as practically a sister-in-law
-"Calum, if you don't stop that i swear.."
-"You'll do what?"
-"I'll literally run at you, and I'll hit ya, I'll hit ya!"
-watching him work out
-a lot of butt slapping
-him wanting to get a matching tattoo with you
-him getting very protective over you
-being shy and blushy when he first says 'i love you'
-tattoo tracing
-him teaching you how to play the bass
-him being a cocky lil shit
-dirty texts
-this asshole probably has a pain kink
-sex in the shower
-sex in the morning
-make-up sex
-post-show sex
-sex in the car


-warm hugs
-calling him SMASH
-hanging out with Lauren and Harry
-him always being the big spoon
-teasing him about the KFC thing
-legit teasing him
-"Ash, you need a damn selfie stick"
-poking his dimples
-him being able to pick you up with ease
-him being passionate with you
-him being able to get jealous easily
-telling him he looks hot with glasses
-"Ash, i think it's time to get a haircut"
-late night walks when you two can't sleep
-deep intellectual conversations at 3 a.m
-him teasing you
-you not being able to walk the next day
-him cupping your face when you two kiss
-you playing with his hair
-you fixing his man bun and making braids in his hair for fun
-"i love you beautiful"
-him trying to get you to try Vegemite
-A LOT of doggy style
-him being dominant 25/8
-stealing his bandanas
-him probably being kinky
-him teaching you how to play the drums
-"Oh no, that's too rough" XD
-going on adventures with him
-you begging him to sing to you
-teasing him about his man giggle


-wearing his flannels
-riding him with his flannel on
-him teasing you about your height
-calling him noodle or breadstick
-him putting things on high places so that he could see you struggle to reach them
-him singing you to sleep in a soft, gentle voice
-forehead kisses
-nose kisses
-neck kisses
-piggyback rides
-"i lub you"
-him teaching you how to play the guitar
-poking his dimples
-tickle fights
-"Luke, i swear to god-DON'T TICKLE ME!"
-him making a mess when he gets out the shower
-his brothers teasing Luke about how whipped he is for you
-playing with his lip ring
-watching some of his old covers from when he was 15
-having queen liz as a mother-in-law


-ordering pizza like 5 times a week
-playing on his X-Box
-him getting pouty when you beat him
-"babe, i totally let you win"
-him grabbing you boobs
-"will you stop that?!"
-dying his hair for him
-lots of cuddles
-him wanting you to dye your hair with him so you guys could be matching
-sex in his mancave
-him letting you ride him bc he's lazy af
-wearing his snapback all the time
-wearing practically all his clothes
-showing him fetus pictures of himself
-playing with each others hair
-GTA 5
-singing horribly to MCR
-sitting on his lap as he plays his video games
-lots of dirty jokes/puns
-lots of blowjobs
-many days where you two just cuddle and watch Netflix and eat pizza and spend as much time with each other
-him teaching you how to play the guitar
-him recording you playing his guitar
-stealing Daniel
-long, warm, secure hugs
-rubbing his tummy and singing songs to him about kittens
-"aww babe, you're such a kitten!"
-"no I'm not, I'm punk rock"
-"hey babe, let's go make fun of Luke"

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