He hits you during a fight

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   "Hey Calum, care to explain this?" You say, throwing a magazine at him. You were coming back home from work when you decided to stop at the grocery store to buy sone items. You noticed a magazine cover with your boyfriend, Calum on it. Now, this was perfectly normal since him being in a popular band and all caught lot's of the pap's attention. But seeing Calum on this cover with sone random girl looking rather intimate made something inside you click.

   "If it's what you think, it's not true.'' He simply spoke, returning his attention towards the TV. You picked up the magazine from his lap, getting annoyed.

   "Well it certainly looks like what i'm thinking. Tell me Calum, what does it look like to you?" You dramatically spoke. When he didn't respond, you snatched the remote from him, turning off the TV.

   "What the fuck (Y/N)?!" He yelled, looking at you.

   "Answer me Calum!" You yelled back, your blood boiling. He stood up, towering over you. He shot you a glare that he never showed you. You felt scared seeing it, wanting to curl up into a ball and sobb, but you demanded an answer from him. And you were determined to get one, one way or another.

   "You know what it looks like?! It looks like a photoshopped picture of me! God (Y/N), use your head! Like I would ever look that way at another woman besides you!" He shouted, as if stating the obvious. You put your hand on your hip, not believing him one bit.

   "Oh please Calum! Stop lying and tell me the goddamn truth already!"

   "I am telling you the goddamn, motherfucking truth! You know you are an idiot, you know that (Y/N)?! You don't believe in anyone but yourself!" He yelled. You saw something in his eye's that you wish you'd never did. Something you thought you'd never see and see him do. His right hand came flying towards your cheek, slapping you hard. The force of the impact on you was in matter of fact so strong, it sent you flying onto the floor. You groaned in pain, feeling tears swell into your eyes as you looked up at Calum. His anger quickly disappeared when he realized what he'd just done.

   "Oh my god, I-I'm soo sorry baby. I never meant to h-hurt you. I just got mad, that's all." He softly spoke, coming closer towards you. You trembled in fear as he came closer, afraid of what he might do next. He carefully picked you up, holding you while rocking you back and forth. You were in too much pain to do anything, just sobbing into the fabric of his shirt.


   There's a lot of things that Ashton does when he's drunk. Dance like an idiot, lip sing to Madonna, try to cook, and even yell at you for no good reason. It all depends on how drunk he is exactly. If he's just slightly tipsy, then he'll know to control himself. If he's in the middle, he'll act like a doofus. If he's beyond drunk, you need to watch what you do around him and watch out for his temper. He can get out of control when he's very drunk without even knowing it.

   One time, he came back home from a night out with the guys. You had no problem with him going out and enjoying himself with his band mates. But the thing is; he's been doing this for over a month. Going out to the club and then coming back home at 4a.m. You try to tell him to stop and spend some time with you, but all he'll do is either ignore you, or yell.

   You were fast asleep on the couch when the sound of a door opening a woken you from your slumber. You jolted up, only to see a very drunk Ashton stumbling in.

   "Oh look who's here at last!" You sarcastically spoke, gaining his attention.

   "You shut the fuck up (Y/N) and mind your damn business!" He snapped, causing you to sit back down. You always hated this side of him, no matter what state he was in. Whenever he snapped at you, yiu got easily frightened. You sometimes missed the old Ash who would go out one night, then spend time with you the next. You tried to confront him, but he'd either ignore you, or yell.

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