He hits you during a fight Pt.3 Malum

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So i did a Malum pt.3 because i don't know how i was going to be able to do Lashton's. But if anyone has any ideas, just let me know!

Calum: His POV

It's been two months since that horrible day. Two months since I've seen her. Two months since I've talked to her. Two months since I've even heard about how she's doing, and i can't stand it. I still remember that day.

"I understand, take all the time you need."

My gaze dropped down to the floor, too ashamed to look at her. I heard her let out a sigh before gently grabbing my chin, making me look at her.

"I know you're ashamed at what you did, and you actually should be. But i need time to think, okay? Don't be like this Calum. I know it's hard, but I'll come back to let you know." She stated, looking me dead in the eyes. I nodded, grabbing her small hand from my chin and holding it. She looked down at our hands, quickly snatching her hand away from mine. It hurt to see her do that, but i can understand.

She ran towards the end of the hall, going into our bedroom as i sat down on the couch. I began to process everything that had just happened into my mind. I rubbed my face with my hand, continously thinking about that she may never come back. That I'll never be able to see her, feel her, or hear her ever again. I should've never gave her an attitude in the first place. If i didn't, then this would've never happened.

I soon heard footsteps walking down the hall, making me pick up my head. I saw Y/N with a backpack slung over her shoulder and another bag in her hand. I thought she'd have one bag, not two. It actually made me want to cry.

I stood up, following her towards the door. She opened the door and turned around, facing me. We just stared at each other, no words being spoken. She finally broke the gaze and cleared her throat. She dug into her pocket and took out her keys to the house, placing them into my hands.

"I'll umm....I'll see you soon, yeah?" I staggered, scratching the back of my neck. She nodded, a very weak smile on her face. She turned around hopped into her car, driving away from the house.

I was too caught up in my thoughts/memories that i didn't realize that someone had been knocking on the door. I let out a sigh before standing up from my spot on the couch, walking towards the front door. I opened the door, seeing Y/N standing there. I felt as if my heart were about to burst.

"Y-Y/N!" I exclaimed, resisting the urge to hug her.

"Hi Calum." She smiled. It made me smile for the first time in almost two months to see her face once again.

"You wanna come in?" I asked, stepping aside. She shook her head.

"No, there's actually something i need to tell you." Her facial expression changed as well as the tone in her voice. Worry overwhelming me. I nodded my head, waiting for her to speak.

"Calum, I've thought a lot about that day. You know....the day you hit me. And I've now decided that I-I can't forgive you." She sadly spoke, not looking at me. I felt my heart immediately drop.

"What? But-"

"But nothing Calum. I still can remember every moment of that day. I can still imagine the pain i felt, physical and emotional. At first i thought; Why not give Calum another chance? But no, i had to think about it really hard. I had to wake up and realize that i can't be with someone who could possibly hit me again everytime he gets angry. So, it's over, for good."

I felt tears beginning to swell into my eyes as she spoke. I couldn't believe i was loosing her forever. I thought we were meant to be. I thought we'd get married and have kids and grow old together. Worse off, i thought we'd love each other until the end.

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