He hits you during a fight Pt. 2

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I just continued to sob into Calum's shirt, too weak and hurt to try and pry out of his arms. He continued to tock me back and forth, stroking my hair and trying to calm me down. Many thoughts were running through my head. Why would he do this? What would he do if i tried to leave his arms? Should i ever forgive him? Is he really sorry?

I finally had the courage to speak up, "Why would you do that Calum?" My voice was really weak and barely audible. He stopped his movements and words, his whole body tensing up.

"I-I don't know Y/N, i swear I'd never hurt you ever. I was just so angry and hurt that...." he trailed off, trying to process the right words. He let me go and sat up straight, running his fingers through his hair. I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up as well, but moved away from him.

"Baby, you need to believe me. I wouldn't dream of hiting you ever. Like i said, i just got angry and hurt that you'd think i was cheating on you, which I wasn't. That picture is obviously photoshopped. I love you and it makes me want to beat myself up for hurting you. I'm soo fucking sorry for what i did. If you can't forgive me, i understand." He spoke, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

The burning sensation on my cheek was quickly fading, but i knew I'd have a red mark. I hesitantly moved closer towards him, wiping away his tears. His gaze was on his lap, refusing to look at me. I know that I'm supposed to be furious with him and leave his ass, but a part of me couldn't.

"Calum, look at me." I spoke. When he didn't, i cupped his face into my hands, making him look at me.

"I'm not saying i forgive you, but that doesn't mean that we're through. I really need time to think about this all. There's a good chance i won't forgive you, but there's another chance i may." He shook his head as we got up.

"I understand, take all the time you need."


I'm not sure how far i was from the house, but i was far. I continued to run until i reached the park i knew all too well. I go here all the time whenever i need to get away from everything. Family, friends, school, and even my relationship. I don't think i have one anymore.

I walked through the park, enjoying the peace and quiet of the night. I sat down on a bench and took a deep breath, trying very hard not to cry. I couldn't help but begin to cry, sobbing into my hands. The flashbacks of what happened all began to run through my head. I'd never expected this from Ashton, even when he's drunk or furious.

I then heard a voice calling my name. At first i thought i was simply hearing things, but then i recognized the voice all too well.

"Y/N!" I heard Ashton call. I remained on my spot on the bench, not moving or speaking. I hoped that he'd give up and go away, but i thought wrong. He eventually found me, running up to me as i stood up.

"Y/N there you are, i was worried sick. Listen, I'm soo sorry i hit you. You know how i get when I'm drunk. I'm sorry babe."

"Do you really think I'd forgive you after what you did? Drunk or sober, you still hit me. You swore you'd never do that, and yet you did. I know how you fucking get when you're drunk, I've been having to deal with an angry drunk living with me for a damn month! What ever happened to the old Ashton, hm? It's not right what you did, and i can't forgive you for it. You did the crime Ash, not me. All i did was try to tell you why going out and getting drunk all the time isn't right, but instead i get slapped in the face." I angrily spoke, him letting out a sigh. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I scoffed, reaching behind my neck and removing the necklace he bought me on Valentine's Day.

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