29. That Public Break Up

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"Oh my, guys, look who's here!" a slightly chubby senior with glasses and a crew cut roared. The group of seniors who were grouped around him near the front of the classroom looked up and surprise and amusement instantly overwhelmed them. 

"Bai!" a guy with checkered shirt slapped him on the back as Weng Bai and Chen Siyun joined the group.

Chen Siyun rubbed and massaged her forearms. She recalled that the teacher of senior class A was famous for loving an over air conditioned classroom. They had come here to gather more useful information that may help solve the murders. They originally planned to ask people in their own grade, but most were strangers and didn't bother telling them much. 

"Hey guys," Weng Bai beamed but his voice came out unusually weak, "missed y'all."

"Yo, how was your gap year? Why didn't you come find us since you came back? We need to meet-Oh! Have you heard who won first place in this year's maths olympiads? " 

"Aww, Huang Li's not here today. She also missed you so much, dude. When can you guys get back together? You know-" 

"Hey, hey," Weng Bai cut in, "miss you guys, but I have serious stuff to ask about today." 

Chen Siyun glanced at him. He flashed a grin back. 

His dimples aren't showing, and his curls are drooping. He's...down. 

His pre-gap year friends don't seem to know him that well. If Weng Bai likes them, he would've went to find them earlier...If they are true friends, they also wouldn't only wait for him to come upstairs. All that time during his gap year, he was alone. 

The group of people exchanged puzzled glances. 

"Kay, we're listening," the guy with the checkered. 

"Uhh, first, you guys remember being in Ms. Mei's class last year?"  Weng Bai intentionally lowered his voice. 

"Yeah? Weren't you also in her class?"

"Yeah yeah, but I didn't really pay a lot of attention to her as a teacher. You guys know any rumors about her?"

"Rumors?" another guy scratched his chin. "Not much surrounding her. She always comes and goes alone, doesn't care about much of what's happening in the school. I don't think she's close with many students and the other teachers. A do-it-my-own-way type?"

Doesn't care?  That's odd. Ms. Mei really cared and helped us a lot this time. What does she want? What does she know? Chen Siyun pondered. She slightly tilted back and forth. 

"I see, I see," Weng Bai peered at Chen Siyun and suddenly grew active. 

"Yo guys," he shook himself, "why is it so cold in here? Omg, so cold, so cold. Turn the AC off!"

Chen Siyun looked at him confusedly and couldn't control her smiles at the contorted faces he made. He reminded her of the time her elders peek-a-boo and make faces to stop her from crying when she was very young. 

"It's fine, the teacher likes a chilly classroom, and aren't you wearing a sweater?" a friend laughed. 

"I'm just sooo cold!" He took off his bright orange sweater. "Look, I'm not wearing it anymore, hee hee. Just turn it back on again after break. Teacher's not here yet. " 

He really is absurd. 

His friend reluctantly turned off the AC. 

"Quickly just ask your questions then, " his friends were starting to grow impatient. A moment off from studies was fine, but too long of a break would make them feel guilty. 

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