39. I Like You

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The stairwell was empty and tranquil like normal as Lin Xingren stepped up the stairs to the third floor. Like always, in the mornings Lin Xingren liked to take her time to feel the sun warming her face from the windows before the bell rang. 

In the beginning of the past week or so, the whole school was in fear and unrest after the news about Ms. Mei came out. Parents protested and the school was on the merge of closing down for good. Life goes on, however, and the normal daily routine of the school had promptly resumed. Life goes on, and Ms. Mei, the sophomore, Xuan Miaomiao, and Xiao Yu cannot disrupt the structures of our society but should be remembered in our hearts. 

In the meantime, the news of Ms. Mei completely ended the spreading rumors of Lin Xingren. No one intruded into her past anymore, and so it remained in peace, and Lin Xingren was fine with that. From others' perspective, Lin Xingren and Chen Siyun were still quiet students sitting in the corner of the classroom, but in their own perspective, everything was different. They were not puppets anymore. In fact, in their minds no one were puppets and presenters anymore. Lin Xingren was Lin Xingren and Chen Siyun was Chen Siyun. 

Although Weng Bai was transferred back to class B, nothing prevented him from regularly going to class A. During breaks and after school, he fought with Lin Xingren over the precious time of being with Chen Siyun, and every morning there was always Chen Siyun's favorite strawberry milk waiting on her desk, along with a symbolic orange flavored candy. 

As she stepped up onto the last flight of stairs, Lin Xingren recalled last night's conversation with Ye Zhen in the playground. She told him about how astonished but glad she was when she heard about Chen Siyun having stood up for her and herself when Lin Xingren was not at school, and how Chen Siyun still saw her as a friend even after she told her about her past. Lin Xingren told Ye Zhen how awkward she felt after her sudden comment when Chen Siyun was unconfident of herself the past day. 

Lin Xingren had said, while swaying back and forth, "Because you are truly special and truly yourself, because you really can't be normal, people see you different from the normal 'special' Maybe what we actually need to do is to find what we are grateful about our selves".

She told Ye Zhen that instead of using online platforms, she was now accustomed to saying out loud her random thoughts to her friends. 

But Lin Xingren forgot to tell Ye Zhen that Chen Siyun was okay with Lin Xingren's random comments. Chen Siyun had smiled and they giggled together. 

I have to tell him this today. 

But Ye Zhen was not on the top of the stairwell waiting for her when she reached there. 

Did anything happen? 

He was not in the classroom either. After the first block ended, Lin Xingren turned around and tapped Chen Siyun's desk.

"Hey, do you know-" 

"Are you looking for Ye Zhen?" a familiar voice interrupted Lin Xingren. She looked up and was surprised to see Liu Gujing with her crossed arms and high bun. 

"I heard..." Liu Gujing's smile made Lin Xingren feel uneasy. "Ye Zhen's moving away."

Lin Xingren sat blinking at the tall girl in front, then at the door. 

"Yep, that's right, " Liu Gujing leaned in to her ear. "If you don't go right now, then you'll probably never have to go. Or maybe, chances are high you're already too late little weirdo." 

Lin Xingren's hand sweated. She eyes darted back and Chen Siyun was gesturing for her to quickly go. 

Lin Xingren felt her feet and charged. 

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