1: Bullet and Raven

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Audrey's outfit^^

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Audrey's outfit^^

The camera zooms into a girl riding a white horse

Hi. Or should that be: How do you do I'm Audrey. I'm 15 and— Uh, guys? Guys? Wrong girl.

The camera then goes to Audrey who is walking next to Zoe

I'm the out-of-place American here, and this is England. Beautiful, isn't it?

3rd person/ Audrey's Pov 

Maggie, Audrey, Zoe, and Rosie were walking down a road. 

"This place smells of cow" Rosie said.

"It's not that bad" Audrey said and Rosie just scoffed.

That's my little sister, Rosie. She's more LA than a wannabe actor sipping on kale juice.

"We've been walking for days, are we lost?" Rosie asked.

"I know these roads like the back of my hand, I'm not lost" Maggie said to her children, Audrey and Zoe gave each other a look that said we are definitely lost.

That's my mom. She's totally lost in more ways than one.

And that my twin sister, Zoe we are basically the same just a little different.

"Ooh, look at that. Is that a buzzard" She asked as a girl on a horse scared Rosie causing her to back up. 

And that, my friends, is a really big horse.

"Sorry. I hope my little sister didn't get in the way of your massive horse" Zoe said sarcastically 

"My party shoes" Rose exclaimed as she pulled her foot out of horse poop.

"Did somebody say party? They herd their grandpa said.

"Gramps!" Audrey and Zoe said together.

"Audrey, Zoe, but how wonderful to see you" Grandpa said

"Dad your not supposed to be driving" Mom told grandpa

"I'm not supposed to be driving a car this isn't a car. Now who wants a lift to the house?"  Grandpa asked

"Me" Rosie said running to the back of the cart 

"Get on the back there. Right, that's it" Grandpa told Rosie. Mom put her suitcase next to Grandpa

"Welcome home" Grandpa told mom

"Ding ding"  Grandpa said looking back at Rosie

"Hit the gas, Gramps." Rosie said holding out her poop covered shoe mom ran after them. Leaving Audrey and Zoe walking which they were okay with

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