9: Road trip

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Audrey's Pov

"Audrey! Audrey!" I heard Mia shout as she ran after me

"Audrey!" Mia said I stopped running and rolled my eyes turning around

"Where do you think you're going?" Mia questioned me

"I can't let Pin miss this." I said 

"Why not? He's riding with the enemy." Mia said

"It's not about sides, Mia. This is Pin's big moment." I told her

"I don't care about Pin. We need to win Nationals, Audrey" Mia said

"And we will." I said but Mia still looked hesitant

"Please, Mia. I need to do this." I begged

"Fine. But you better not miss the ferry." Mia said and I nodded

"Tell my mom I'll be there. Team Bright Fields!" I said before running to Pins house 


When I got there I saw Pin painting a post

"Pin" I called as I started walking towards him

"Pin. What are you doing?" I asked as I walked closer to him before stopping

"The post isn't going to paint itself." Pin said 

"Yeah, sure, but little thing: The coach for Nationals is about to leave." I said 

"So?" Pin questioned

"So, you're not on it." I said but he didn't say anything just continued painting the post

"I don't know if you're scared to leave the island or if you're trying to prove some point, but now is not the time to go all Pin on me." I added. He took something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a postcard. 

"Your mom took off again." I said after reading it

"A few hours ago. I'm thinking about getting that one framed. Remind me never to get my hopes up again." Pin told me

"You know what? You should frame it. As a reminder that you never run away. When people need help, you stick around. And when a horse is sick, you stay by its side until it gets up. You put everyone else first. Today is about you." I said trying to get him to change his mind

"You won't change his mind. He's as stubborn as you are." I heard Ted say from behind me before he walked into the house. Pin went back to painting

"Okay. All right, fine. If you aren't going... I'm not either" I said grabbing the second paint brush that was in the paint can and started painting the post

"If you don't ride, you'll lose Bullet" Pin said as I continued painting the post

"Nice color. It really brings out the annoyance in your eyes." I said blackmailing him

Bullet (Pin Hawthorne x Fem!Oc)Where stories live. Discover now