9: Victory Parade

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Audrey's outfitt^^Audrey's Pov

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Audrey's outfitt^^
Audrey's Pov

Me, Zoe, Aaron and Grandpa were watching Callume and Gaby's parade. Callume looked at me and Zoe with a smug smile and waved at me and I rolled my eyes

Sometimes the bad guys win.

I looked at Gaby and waved

And sometimes, it's way more complicated than that.

"Welcome!" The mayor said as the parade stopped to greet everyone

"Do you think the mayor's still mad at me and Zoe?" I asked Grandpa

"Well, you guys publicly accused her of stealing a herd of wild horses and ruined her daughter's birthday surprise." Grandpa said

"She'll still be mad at you guys in the year 2099." Aaron said

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our Olympic hopeful, Callum Elphick!" The mayor said and everyone cheered except me, Zoe Aaron and Grandpa

"And runner-up, Gaby Grant!" The mayor said as everyone cheered along with me, Zoe Aaron and Grandpa

"You're being really brave about this, sweetheart. I know you wanted to be there both of you" Grandpa said the first part to me and the second to both I and Zoe

"Thanks, Grandpa." Zoe said

"I am trying to be supportive, but... you know, it's hard when, well... that" I said as Callum got off his horse, him and the three girls from before started doing 'The Callum'

"And that's how you do 'The Callum' I want to seeyou all doing it when I ride out for the under-18s." Callum said before getting back on his horses

"We should really be getting you packed." Grandpa said to Aaron since he was going back to America

"I just wanted to stay and help find the wild herd." Aaron said

"Maybe best leave all that to the police." Granpa said

"Whatever your mom decides about boarding school, just think of Scout" I said

"If he can be brave, so can you." Zoe said

"I'm gonna miss this weird little island. And you guys, famous cousins Audrey and Zoe." Aaron said and me and Zoe both laughed before we had almost the same idea

"Maybe you don't have to miss us." Zoe said

"Maybe me, Zoe, Bullet and Raven can go back to America with you." I said but I could tell Grandpa didn't like that idea

"Let's get you sorted." Grandpa said before him and Aaron walked away, me and Zoe walking away too


We all got back to the house as Gaby continued her and Callum's parade. Me and Zoe were in the kitchen on my laptop looking at plane tickets to America

"I don't get it. I have to go, you guys have a choice." Aaron said

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