4:Pony Camp!

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Audrey's Pov

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Audrey's Pov

So, today is a big day for the stables. Super exciting. But it's hard to think about the fun times when a pony has been stolen. And your sister kind of got someone wrongly arrested for being a horse thief. And if we could just go to the stables, we could sort it out...but we're banned.

Me and Zoe are sitting in the bedroom thinking about Firefly, we heard a knock on the door right before it was opened.

"We're going" Mom said.

"Okay" Me and Zoe said at the same time.

"Are you guys sure you don't want to see Gramps have his plaster taken off?" Mom asked us.

"You know, as fun as that sounds..." I started.

"I didn't think so" Mom said catching on to what I was saying.

"We'll be back around 4:00" Mom told us.

"Okay" Me and Zoe said at the same time again.

"Look after Rosie" Mom said looking at both of us.

" Don't we always?" I and Zoe said at the same time.

"We really have to stop doing that" we said at the same time.

"Stop" we said looking at each other.

"Knock it off" we said at the same time again Mom laughed before walking out of the room shutting the door behind her.

Me and Zoe were now walking downstairs to the kitchen where Rosie is.

"What if she's not going to the hospital? What if she went to go meet with Mia's dad?" Rosie asked us.

"With Gramps?" I asked.

"Rosie you really need to let this go." Zoe said as we sat down.

"But consider the evidence. In Mom's diary, it said she was in love with somebody who was called "E" Elliot starts with E."

"That's your evidence, The alphabet?" I questioned.

"I'm still building my case thank you very much. Why are you guys wearing stinky horse clothes?" Rosie said.

"We wanted to go to Pony Camp, and we were wondering if--" Zoe started.

"If we could go and get squished by some crazy horses? Great, sister skills" Rosie said.

"I just really need to talk to Pin, Okay, I made a mistake" Zoe said.

"He was stealing, and you caught him. Where's the mistake exactly" Rosie said.

"You know what?" Zoe started.

"You wouldn't understand" I said.

"Try me" Rosie said.

"Raven and Bullet told us we were wrong" Zoe said and glanced at me I smiled.

"Raven and Bullet? As in, the horses? Now they are talking horses. Are you serious" Rosie said.

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