1: Wild Horses

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Audrey's Pov

I, Zoe, Gaby, Jade and Becky were riding along the beach. Zoe and I were first, Gaby not to far behind us, Jade behind her, and Becky in the back

Hi, guys! So here we are, Same beach, same girl, same horse, but everything has changed. Gaby is Zoe's roommate, Pin's my boyfriend, and a duke, and Bullet and Raven are officially mine and Zoe's.

"Faster Bob!" I heard Becky say from behind us

Okay, maybe not everything has changed. And now we've got our sights set on the UK under-18s team. 

Me and Zoe stopped riding and turned around looking at our friends

Tryouts are at the end of the summer. No biggie!

"I still think you ought to apply for the under-18s. You would totally make the squad." I told Gaby who is one of my best friends

"No way." Gaby said causing me to roll my eyes

"Competitions bring out the worst in me." Gaby continued before taking off with her horse 

"Hey!" I said before catching up with her on Bullet

"Be careful, you guys." Jade said 

"We'll see you back at Bright Fields." Zoe said as her, Jade and Becky went back to the stables

We've got our whole future ahead of us. Nothing can stand in our way.

I started to pass Gaby. I turned my head and looked at her after I passed her

"Audery, look out!" Gaby said and I turned and looked in front of me and stopped when I saw...

"Howdy, cuz." I and Zoe's cousin, Aaron

"Aaron?"  I questioned 


"Little cousin Aaron. I thought you weren't coming until next week." I said as I, Aaron and Bullet walked in the front and Grandpa, Gaby right behind us

"I'm full of surprises." Aaron said 

"He comes with a long list of instructions." Grandpa said as I looked back at him

"No TV after 6 p.m. No candy. No social media." Grandpa continued 

"Mom loves rules. I have one summer to show her I can be good, or... she sends me to boarding school. And not the fun Harry Potter kind." Aaron said 

"Well, it's pretty hard to get into trouble here." I said and Gaby laughed before walking closer to us 

"Yeah, it's uh... practically impossible." Gaby agreed

"Let's go get you unpacked." Grandpa said and Aaron looked hesitant.

"Unless you want to come to the yard with us and see Zoe?" I suggested 

Bullet (Pin Hawthorne x Fem!Oc)Where stories live. Discover now