7: Emerald

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Audrey's outfit^^

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Audrey's outfit^^

Audrey's Pov

They say you have to get back on the horse. What they don't say is you have to get back on the horse that bolted with you at a zillion miles an hour, then train for a county show. I guess it's less catchy.

I was waiting on Marcus because he was getting Bullet, I heard Marcus shut the gate and I turned around and seen him walking over with Bullet.

"Ready?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, can we take it slowly?" I asked. 

"Who are you and what have you done with Audrey Phillips" Marcus said.

"Please" I said.

"Sure" he said, and I smiled.

"Don't look so worried. Let's start with a walk around, hmm?" He said and handed me Bullets reins. 

"That's it. Take him for a walk. Jump on, canter, and hop over that meter-high fence there." Marcus said causing me to look at him.

"I'm kidding" he said.

"Ugh, Marcus." I said with a laugh.

"We're going to get you comfortable around Bullet again. You just need to start from the beginning" Marcus said and I smiled.

"How's that feeling?" Marcus asked me when i started getting more comfortable.

"Good. I think" I smiled. I didn't even notice Mia and Susie cleaning Darcy right next to us all of the sudden Mia sprayed Bullet causing him to freak out and I fell.

"Oops. Sorry!" Mia said.

"What the hell, Mia?" Marcus said as he ran over to help me up.

"It was an accident." she said.

"You know he doesn't like water. Are you okay" Marcus asked me? 

"I just need a minute" I said.

"He probably just picked up on your nerves. He gets like that around beginners" Mia said I just rolled my eyes and walked away. 

"Let me know when you want to try again, Audrey" Marcus said to me then turned to Mia.

"That wasn't helpful." he said.

"I said sorry, didn't I?" Mia asked.

"I was just distracted. I haven't been able to focus since Firefly was stolen. Maybe being a cover girl will cheer me up." Mia said.

"Is the magazine out today?" Marcus asked. 

"Yeah. Daddy's even more excited about it than I am. He canceled this huge meeting in the mainland just to take me out to lunch. That's typical Daddy. He is always putting me first. You're happy for me, aren't you?" Mia said before pulling Marcus into a kiss.

Bullet (Pin Hawthorne x Fem!Oc)Where stories live. Discover now