Savoir - Chapter 2

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Last night, Sunoo could not sleep a wink, even after pouring his heart out in his diary. An electric excitement coursed through his veins keeping slumber at bay.

Starting college marked the dawn of a new chapter ripe with possibility. He envisioned forging meaningful friendships and pursuing his academic passions.

He spent the restless night reflecting on his past and envisioning his ideal future. He recalled bittersweet memories from his childhood, lessons learned in adolescence, and goals awakened in young adulthood. Though the road had it's twists and turns, he came out wiser and more driven.

As the first light of morning peeked through the blinds, Sunoo felt hope swell in his chest. He imagined seizing each day at college soaking up knowledge, connecting with like-minded friends, finding his footing on the path toward purpose.

Sunoo knew nothing was guaranteed, but held fast to his dreams. Experience had taught him that positive visualization did not magically manifest outcomes. Yet he could not resist mentally modeling the future he wished to build, brick by brick.

Today signified a fresh start, no matter what lay ahead he was eager to meet it with an open mind and brave heart. After a restless night grappling with anticipation Sunoo felt ready to walk through the doors of opportunity.

His bags were packed, his mind was clear and the promise of this new chapter energized him to embrace what came next.

His morning began like any other. His parents were already off to work by the time he woke up, leaving him to fend for himself for breakfast as usual.

He quickly threw together a bowl of cereal and ate alone at the kitchen table. With no one there to see him off on his first day of college, he felt a pang of loneliness but he shrugg of it off like usual. After cleaning up from breakfast, he grabbed his backpack and headed out of the door to walk to the bus stop.

The bus ride to campus was uneventful. Sunoo kept to himself, watching the scenery go by as he mentally prepared for the exciting but nerve-wracking day ahead.

When the bus pulled up to the front entrance of the college, Sunoo took a deep breath before standing up and getting off. He gazed up at the imposing buildings before him and felt a swirl of emotions - fear, anxiety, but also hope.

He consulted the map he had been given and made his way to the principal's office to get his class schedule for the semester. One of the female teacher in office greeted him with a warm smile and handed him the slip of paper that would dictate his days for the next few months.

Looking it over, Sunoo tried to memorize the room numbers and locations of his various classes scattered around campus. Feeling lost already, he left the office and wandered around trying to find where his first class of the day would be held.

After a few wrong turns, Sunoo was starting to feel flustered. He was worried he might be late on the very first day! Just then, lost in thought, he accidentally bumped right into another student walking quickly in the opposite direction.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Sunoo exclaimed.

"No problem, I wasn't looking where I was going either." the other boy replied kindly. He had a friendly face and a warm smile. "I'm Jungwon. Are you new here too?"

Sunoo introduced himself to Jungwon and nodded.

Meanwhile Jungwon revealed he was also a new student trying to find his way around campus for the first time and what a luck that they had literally collided into each other! When they compared eachother's schedules, they discovered they even had their first class together that morning.

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