He grow up so fast

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In this part is Akira two months old

Ryuzaki and Light are in bed. It is dead quiet in the Yagami house. Until Akira starts crying who is lying in his cute crib in his cute baby room.

Ryuzaki hears his son cry and he opens his eyes.

He looks at Light's bare broad back: "Hey baby" he says with a sleepy moan: "Your son is calling you".

Light is now half awake. He chuckles.

He gets out of bed and walks to their bedroom door. Open their bedroom door and walk into the dark hallway and walk to his son's cute baby room and open the bedroom door of his cute baby room and see it's very dark in the baby room.

Light then takes a big step in the middle of the baby's room and sees his son Akira crying in his crib. His whole head is red. His tongue is sticking out and his eyes are squeezed tight as are his cute hands that he has clenched into fists.

"Hey .... hey .... you don't have to cry sweetheart" Light says softly with a sweet voice and he walks towards the crib.

Akira has meanwhile opened his eyes and looks at his father and is completely silent for a while. Light smiles and picks him up.

He holds him tight by his neck and buttocks and looks at him sweetly with beaming eyes: "Do you need a clean diaper sweetie?" and he walks with Akira in his warm arms to the changing table and gently places his little cute son on the changing table where Ryuzaki and Light always put Akira on to give him a clean diaper.

When Light looks into Akira's diaper, he sees that his white diaper is spotless.

"Huh?" and he looks at his son: "You have a spotless diaper sweetie..what is it?...do you want a bottle?" and he picks Akira up gently and supports one hand around his little neck and the other hand around his bottom and walks with him in his warm arms against his warm chest to the kitchen.

He takes Akira's feeding bottle and puts milk in it, then heats it up in the microwave.

When the magentron starts beeping, Light gently pulls open the small door of the magentron and takes out the bottle. He looks sweetly at his son: "Look what I have for you sweetheart" and he rests his son on his warm arm so that he can easily bottle his son and he rocks him back and forth a bit.

But when Light hands the bottle to Akira, Akira pushes the bottle away with his little hands and turns his head the other way and doesn't look at his father or the bottle anymore.

Light frowns: "Don't you want it sweetie?...but what do you want?" and he puts the baby bottle on the kitchen table and then suddenly sees the door leading to the living room open.

"Light?" he hears a sleepy deep voice say. Light sees Ryuzaki appear in the dark living room. He scratches his messy hair and looks sleepy. He's wearing nothing but his black boxer shorts. He looks at him and walks around the kitchen table to his husband and cute son: "What is it?...what does he want?...the bottle?".

Light looks at him: "I tried that .... I already checked whether he needed a clean diaper but not so .... I don't understand".

"Maybe he just wants to come and lie with us don't you think?".

Light looks at his son and then looks at Ryuzaki again: "Yes....that's possible...let's try it".

Ryuzaki chuckles as he watches his husband and son lightly hold and hug Light, resting his cute little head on his warm chest. He looks at him: "Akira against your warm chest looks so cute...it suits you".

Light smiles with a chuckle and walks over to him and gives him a short warm kiss on his soft lips. Then he soon breaks the kiss and looks at him: "Well let's go to our bedroom".

Ryuzaki nods and walks to their bedroom followed by Light who holds their son tightly in his warm arms.

They arrive in their bedroom and they have both noticed that their adorable son has not cried for a second as long as he holds his father and has his head against his warm chest. Ryuzaki looks over his shoulder and a proud happy smile appears on his face as he looks at Light and his son.

Light also looks at him and smiles. Walks over to him and puts a warm finger under his chin and lifts his chin with that warm finger. Ryuzaki looks into his beautiful brown clear eyes which he adores.

"Are you coming to bed sweetie?".

Light smiles, "Sure, honey" and gives him a sweet little kiss on the nose.

Ryuzaki chuckles as Light gives him a small kiss on the nose.

The two men look at each other in love.

"I love you".

"I love you too Light".

Then the two men crawl into their warm bed. Light holds Akira tight to his warm chest and clears his throat. A wide warm smile appears on Ryuzaki's face and he feels his heart melt as he looks at his son and husband. His son lying down enjoying a wonderful night's sleep on his father's warm chest while his father gently rubs him back and forth on his cute little back and softly hums.

Light sees Ryuzaki smiling at him and their son and looks at him and shows him a wide warm smile. Ryuzaki then pulls the thick warm duvet a little tighter around his naked torso and looks proudly at Light and his son.

Light gently strokes his son's brown soft curly hair: "He grows so fast".

"Tell me what" Ryuzaki says.

"Before we know it, he'll be sixteen and we'll have a daughter-in-law or son-in-law."

Light chuckles at the thought as he sits straight ahead, staring into the dark.

He hasn't stopped rubbing his back once and he looks at Ryuzaki: "It seems like it was yesterday...when he was born".

Ryuzaki smiles and grips the pillow he has laid his head on tighter: "Yeah...indeed...time goes by so fast".

Light looks at him: "Let's sleep sweetie".

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