I hate you

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It's time for dinner. Light walks to the stairs and looks up and calls the names of his sons and tells them to come down because dinner is ready. He pauses expectantly at the very bottom of the stairs and then slowly sees movement at Michael's bedroom door. The latch is pressed down and the door opens and Michael appears in the wide doorway and looks down at his father with a big smile on his beaming face and he rushes frantically to the stairs and looks at his father with beaming eyes: "What are we going to eat?".
His father looks at him with radiant beaming eyes: "Something tasty... your brother's favorite food".
"Oh nice" shouts Michael frantically as he runs down the stairs beaming with beaming eyes and looks at his father smiling and cheerful and walks past him. Light immediately notices that Akira has not come out of his bedroom at all.
"Why isn't your brother coming?" he asks without looking at him. Michael is almost at the door that leads to the living room and kitchen where his other father Ryuzaki is waiting for him and Light and Akira at a set table ready to eat dinner and enjoy a delicious hot evening meal.
Michael looks at his father: "I don't know" and then he walks to the door and pulls the door handle gently down and opens the door and walks into the living room and then ends up in the kitchen and sees his father with the neatly dressed sitting table. He looks at him and smiles sweetly and cheerfully at him and runs around the table and sits down next to him.

Ryuzaki looks at him:"Where are your father and brother?".
Michael looks at Ryuzaki: "Akira just didn't want to come".
"Oh" and the thought immediately flashes into his mind that Akira will most likely still be super mad at Light after finding out his father was a serial killer and killing thousands of people just knowing their faces and names and calling them by all their names to write in a notebook.
He swallows down a lump in his throat, a little sadly.

Light looks questioningly at the stairs and looks around the corner and looks at Akira's bedroom door.
"Akira" he shouts:"We can eat" and he looks at his bedroom door. He sees that there is no movement near his bedroom. He walks up the stairs and goes to his bedroom and knocks twice on his bedroom door:"Honey?...are you coming down?....dinner is ready" he says through the door of his bedroom.
"Get lost!" he suddenly hears Akira screaming insultingly.
"Excuse me?!...I don't want to hear that language from you young man!" sounds Light stern and clear.
Then it is quiet for a while. Light wonders if he will come.
"Go away!!!" he hears Akira calling through the door between them.
Light starts to stammer and he takes a deep breath and tries to find words in his head to use but no matter how hard he tries to find sensible words to use he can't find the right words.
Disappointed in himself, he takes a deep sigh and then clears his throat deeply and then looks back at the white bedroom door of his eldest son: "Listen Akira" he says with a deep sigh but then he is interrupted without any mercy by his eldest son who opens his bedroom door in front of him and then Light sees an angry disappointed and broken Akira standing before him.
Akira looks at his father with icy taut empty eyes that glare at him. All the blood that flows through his body is boiling like crazy and he has his fists clenched: "All my life you've been telling me that killing is bad....and should be punished....hard.. ..but now?....now I found out that my very own father was a serial killer....and not just any serial killer" he says with a shudder but he squeezes his lips tight and tries not to let himself be known and not to let himself go and to keep himself strong to prevent him from bursting into tears of raging anger and great disappointment in his father, which can happen at any moment.

Akira looks at him with a bright red head of anger:"Go away!" and he slams his bedroom door hard in front of his father.

Light lets out a deep sigh. He stands outside his eldest son's bedroom door for a few more minutes to try and make amends with him and calm him down and get him to come down with him to dinner at the dining table in the large warm living room where Ryuzaki and Michael are waiting for them.
But no matter what he tries Akira won't open his bedroom door and he keeps saying he's not coming down all night. Not even for something to eat.

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