Dinner with the Yagami's

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It's 6:30 PM. Light and his family are with his parents and sister. They dine together.

His mother has gone out of her way to make a delicious meal for everyone.

Light is just taking a sip of his red wine. He sits next to his sister Sayu who has just graduated and just got a job.

She is busy texting someone on her phone. He peeks over her shoulder at the small screen of her phone and then sees Matsuda's profile picture. He raises his eyebrows: "Is Matsuda your boyfriend yet?" he jokes teasingly. Sayu looks at him a bit irritated and caught and in the meantime has blushed cheeks.

"What????...no...don't get involved!" and she gives him a poke.

Their father then looks up and looks at his two children and looks at Sayu sternly: "Sayu.....how many times do your mother and I have to tell you?....no cell phones at the table young lady". Sayu looks at her father with bright red cheeks and she feels a pang of shame in her gut. Light laughs softly and secretly and Sayu is the only one to notice.

"Yes dad....I'm sorry dad...it won't happen again" she says softly and small and she puts her mobile away and then looks back at her plate where she sees delicious food on it that her mother is holding all the love has cooked for them.

She takes a big bite.

Sachiko sees her two grandsons begin to play with their food. Light looks at them: "Don't play with your food...stop it" he says sternly to his two sons and he takes another bite of his food which he loves. He looks at his mother: "The food is delicious mom...just like always" he says sweetly to her. His mother beams and feels her heart melt as soon as she hears that and hears that sweet compliment from her son. A beautiful happy smile appears on her beaming sweet soft face: "Thank you dear...that's super sweet of you". Light smiles. Then Sachiko looks at her son again who just takes another bite: "How's work going?" and also looks at Ryuzaki questioningly.

"Very well" Light answers his mother briefly. His mother chuckles softly: "Great," she says with beaming beautiful eyes and takes another bite of her food and looks at her two grandsons: "And you two had a school trip today, right?".

Michael smiles at his grandmother and his eyes start to glow cutely: "Yes".

"And?....how was that?...was it fun?".
Her husband also joins in the conversation and also looks at his two grandsons aged 8 and 6: "Where have you been?" and he looks at Akira and Michael with interest.

"To the very best museum Japan has," his adorable six-year-old grandson answers and he beams all over. Light and L smile. Sayu also looks at Michael and Akira and smiles.
"Ooooh yes .... I have also heard a lot about that museum .... a beautiful museum it is" says Light's mother beaming and happy: "And what did you think was the most beautiful?".
Meanwhile, Light looks questioningly at Akira: "Why don't you eat more? .... you only have your plate half empty".
Akira looks annoyed at him and Light sees him glaring at him. He doesn't understand why.
"I'm not hungry!!!" he shouts angrily and he gets up from his chair and glares at his father and stomps over to the door that leads to the hall and the long staircase.
"Ho ho young man" Light says sternly and he looks at Akira questioningly: "Where are you going?...we are still eating".
Akira looks at him with fire-breathing eyes with an angry facial expression and clenched fists: "I told you I'm not hungry!!!" and he turns around and walks toward the door. Pulls the doorknob of the door and opens the door and walks into the hall and everyone sitting around the dining table can hear him walking up the long stairs with a loud rumble.
Akira arrives upstairs and sees the bathroom door and the door to his aunt's bedroom and the door to his father's old bedroom.
Light's mother has turned his old bedroom into a cozy guest room after her son moved out and moved in with Ryuzaki. For the two sons of Ryuzaki and Light and for every grandchild of hers.
Akira shudders and feels all the blood boiling through his body. He purses his lips tight and feels the burning anger all over his body. The anger that his father has been Kira and killed thousands of people. Including many criminals but also many innocent people. People who tried to stop him. People trying to get him to stop what he was doing. People who tried to save as many lives of others as possible. People who sacrificed themselves for the humanity that still exists to this day. His eyes begin to get very moist and he turns up his nose again, shivering and sobbing. He tries to prevent it by sucking hard on his lower lip but clear long tears jump down his soft cheeks. He shudders again and looks at the door of his father's old bedroom and runs towards the door of his father's old bedroom. Pushes the door open and lets himself fall straight forward like a limp dishcloth on the bed and bursts into tears and starts to cry louder and louder.

Moments later, he hears footsteps that he recognizes immediately. They are his father's footsteps. Then he hears a knock on the door. On the door of the room he's in.
Akira hears his father clear his throat.
"Honey.....what's going on?...why don't you want to eat?".
Akira sniffles and sniffs and lifts his face and looks over his shoulder at the door Light is now standing in front of. He looks at the door with bright red eyes and all the while he feels a painful twinge in his lower abdomen that is getting worse and more painful.
He sobs and sniffles his nose: "Go away!" he shouts angrily.
"What is it then?...are you angry?".
"Go away!!!!!" Akira yells angrily.
Light is about to say something to him again when Ryuzaki , who has meanwhile walked upstairs and is now standing behind Light, puts a hand on his warm shoulder. Light looks over his shoulder at him.
"Maybe it's better to leave him alone for a while."
"I just want to know what's going on and why he's so angry."
"Yeah...I get that...just...maybe it's just better to give him some time and leave him alone and maybe he'll walk up to us on his own and tell us something what's going on and what's bothering him."
Light lets out a deep sigh: "What do you think could be wrong?".
"I have no idea....I wish I knew".
"Yes....me too" sighs Light disappointed in himself.
"Hey....bring up" and Ryuzaki looks at him comfortingly with calming cute eyes and he rubs his cheek with his soft hand for a moment and looks at him with support:"It will be all right....and whatever it is what's bothering him we'll figure it out... together" and he smiles sweetly at him.
Light looks at his cute smile and eyes. It takes a while, but then a smile gradually appears on his face. He gives him a short kiss on his soft lips and then smiles at him again: "I love you".
Ryuzaki looks at him with beaming eyes: "I love you too Light .... never forget that".
Light smiles.

But a few minutes later, Akira still doesn't want to leave his father's old bedroom where he is now and refuses to talk to Light.
Now Light is deep in thought pondering what the heck could be the reason why his oldest son is suddenly behaving like this.
Light sits in a big chair in his father's study. His father is also in his study.
Het is sitting next to Light in a big chair and he looks at him: "What is the matter Light?".
"It's Akira dad...I've been trying to figure out why the hell he could be angry or disappointed in something for too long."
"Oh...well...what do you think it is?".
Light lifts his face from his thoughts and stares at the dark blue sky through the window of his father's study: "I'm beginning to think it has something to do with my past".
His father looks at him questioningly: "Your past?".
"Yes" Light answers his father briefly and looks at him: "The time I found the Death note and became Kira".
"Light....you're not sure...maybe those bullies at his school said something mean to him....you know how mean kids can be?".
Light looks at his father: "Yes" and rubs both hands all over his face and lets out a deep sigh.

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