Walk away

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Michael walks into Akira's bedroom and sees that his broad soft back is turned to him and that he has put his dark blue school bag on the floor in the middle of his bedroom and that he is putting a few reading books in his dark blue school bag. Michael looks at him questioningly and concerned and looks at him with a curious look with crystal clear shiny cute eyes:"What are you doing?...why are you packing your backpack?...we don't have to go to school".

Akira slowly and gently lifts his face and looks at his younger cute brother, "I'm leaving" he says tight and determined with a stern angry facial expression. Michael frowns his cute black eyebrows and looks questioningly and attentively at his older brother: "Why?".

Akira gently and slowly lifts his head again and looks at his younger brother again: "Because I don't want to live here any longer".

Michael looks at him uncomprehendingly and questioningly with black furrowed eyebrows that he got from his father L and also looks at his older brother a little worried and sad. He doesn't want him to leave at all, especially if he doesn't know where he wants to go.

"But" he starts stuttering and with a bit of a broken voice and looks at Akira a bit sadly: "Why then?".

Akira looks at him again and then Michael suddenly sees that he looks at him a lot less cheerful than before and also with a super sharp look that sends shivers down Michael's spine when he keeps looking at that certain facial expression.

"You still don't get it????" he asks him angrily and bewildered at the same time: "Dad has been a serial killer!...he has killed people Michael!".

"Yes...in the past yes....he used to kill people...but that used to be Akira...he doesn't do it anymore...he is now a good police officer who catches crooks and murderers" .

But Akira looks at him angrily with raised thick brown eyebrows: "And you believe that?" he sounds stubborn and blazing at his father.
Michael wants to say something to him. He tries with all he has in him to find the right words and then to bring them across his soft lips and tell his older brother to reassure him or change his mind about not leaving. But he doesn't know what to say. The words stick painfully in his throat and he continues to stare at him speechless with sharp empty eyes.

"You see" Akira sounds angry and a little sad.

Michael looks at him sadly and wants to say something to him to stop him, but he doesn't know exactly what. So he says nothing to him and swallows a big lump in his throat.

When it is deep in the night and it is super dark outside and in the streets Akira opens his bright eyes and as soon as he opens his bright cute sweet eyes his eyes are greeted by the dark light in his dark bedroom. He slowly sits up in his soft bed and then looks over the edge of his soft bed and sees his black school bag that he had already packed to get ready to walk away. He plans to run forever away from the house he grew up in, his parents and his adorable younger brother Michael and the rest, leaving everyone and everything behind and moving on. Away from his parents and especially away from his father Light, who is still furious that he used to be a serial killer and now pretends to be totally innocent and like it's no big deal.

But little does he know that his father Light feels super guilty every day and every night that passes for what he used to do when he was seventeen and what he did to thousands of people. Not just the victims he killed with nothing but a pen and paper, but also for the next of kin. Not a day or night goes by that he doesn't express regret and he still wishes dearly that the fact that he was once Kira was a scary nightmare and nothing more than the sad reality. But unfortunately. It is the harsh reality and it will haunt him forever. The fact that he's been Kira and he's killed millions of people and he started doing that when he was only seventeen and his own parents thought he was just a good student trying really hard to get his high school diploma at his high school. Sayu used to always want to become what he was and became. But yes ... then she found out through her bully that her brother who always seemed so good at first was a crazy serial killer and since that one day she is training in care and when she finishes that education she wants to work in a large hospital where she still lives with his parents.

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