Chapter 4 - Vanity

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3rd person

Of all places for the headquarters of the Jedi to be, why Coruscant? One would think that a sacred temple would fit better in a more.... natural environment? Regardless, what was even more peculiar was the role of the Jedi on Coruscant. The Jedi were intended to be servants of the force... yet the hub of all Jedi activity lay atop layers and layers of muddled chaos and silent suffering. As the members of the council sat in their usual circular formation to discuss political matters and trivialities, the common citizen withered away at the lowest level of the planet. The current discussion among the Jedi Masters would have to wait, however. They were currently anticipating a guest.


I tried not to quiver from the nerves, but it was difficult. I'd never been summoned by the council, let alone even been in the council room. Why had they asked for me? Why now?

'Come on, you know the reason.' my inner self whispered in my ear. Yeah, I knew what would probably happen. They were going to send me off to the service corps. I'd been lucky enough to evade their scrutiny this long because of the war, but my luck had finally run out.

Arriving at the zenith of the council tower, I opened the hallowed doors of the council room. Averting my eyes, I first made my way to the center of the chamber where a makeshift chair had been placed. Taking in my surroundings, I easily picked out each of the twelve Jedi Masters, though some of them only attended in holographic form.

The rightmost master was called Plo Koon. He was the Jedi who discovered Ahsoka on her home world. He was renowned for his wisdom and calm demeanor. In spite of his mask that covered his eyes, I knew he was watching me carefully.

The man to his right needed no introduction, and I'm sure his cold gaze would pierce through anyone. Mace Windu was perhaps the greatest lightsaber duelist the order had to offer, though some would argue that Anakin Skywalker deserved that title. Oh, but you couldn't forget Master Yoda.

Speaking of which, the one next to Master Windu was the Grand Master of the order himself. Yoda. Timeless knowledge and experience... nothing more needed to be said. He peered directly at me with that familiar twinkle in his pupils.

Next up, Ki-Adi-Mundi. The guy with the tall head, a Cerean. I remembered reading somewhere that their enhanced brain function allowed them to process events more quickly. His stare was blank.

Saesee Tiin was an Iktotchi Jedi Master. To be honest, I didn't know much about him. He didn't say much.

Settled in the middle of the council's arc was the ghostly form of Shaak Ti. She oversaw much of the training of clone troopers on Kamino, so it was natural she couldn't appear in person. She had compassion for the clones, treating them as individuals rather than things. Admirable, to say the least.

Ah, interesting. The next seat should have been occupied by Even Piell, but its occupant was instead Obi-Wan Kenobi. Master Kenobi was famous as the Master who trained Anakin Skywalker. Even more well-known was his triumph over the first Sith seen in millennia, Darth Maul. Seeing as he was sitting in for Master Piell, it probably wouldn't be long before he had a seat under his own name.

Succeeding him was Oppo Rancisis, a Thisspiasian. Beneath the hairy exterior was a seasoned veteran of the force. According to some rumors I heard, he disliked using a lightsaber, preferring combat purely consisting the force. If only we all had that luxury.

Next up was a... familiar face. Adi Gallia. She had a cold, humorless exterior and interior. Why did she have to be here? I couldn't think of anyone worse to decide my fate. She was observing me carefully, but as usual it was impossible to read her expression.

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