Chapter 18 - Peacekeepers

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3rd Person

"I love democracy." - Sheev Palpatine.

The decisive, cherished Chancellor of the republic senate was well-known for this particular quote.

Nevertheless, as with anything, democracy came with its fair share of problems. Even the champion of democratic rule himself was aware of this.

The terms "bureaucrat" and "special-interest lobby" seemed boring and unnecessarily verbose, no doubt. Still, they were among the core issues plaguing the senate even since Palpatine pledged to end corruption.

Senators under the influence of massive corporations and conglomerates, such as the Trade Federation, had long since been bought and paid for. Their motive, above all else, was profit; even at the expense of galactic citizens.

That conflict of interest, as well as the logistical nightmare of getting over two-thousand senators to agree, meant that meaningful legislation was few and far between.

The voice of the people, drowned out by empty discord and avarice.


"Here, kid. Wear this for a month, at least." HK-74 articulated in his deep, computerized voice.

A mechanical leg brace was nestled in his massive metal palms. It was chrome silver, with numerous ridges that allowed for flexible movement.

"I owe you one." I expressed, gratefully accepting the brace.

"Ah, Ah! Not so fast." HK-74 taunted, lifting the device out of reach.

"What?! You know I don't have any credits." I spouted angrily.

"No credits. Wear this." he ordered, unveiling a T-shirt of... questionable quality.

The garment was an abomination of color theory; greens, reds, and bright browns that contrasted horribly. Bold black lettering on the front created a single, cringeworthy phrase.

'May the gains be with you.'

"HK-74, I'm not wearing this." I blatantly stated.

"You will wear it, in the Jedi temple no less. I need more outreach on the upper levels... I think it's a fair trade, no?" he demanded, his tone becoming menacing.

Whatever. I mean... it's not like I could be any more of an embarrassment, right?

HK-74 walked me through leg day, helping me learn how to utilize my new accessory.

I sat back on the leg press as HK-74 loaded up the machine with three-hundred pounds of weight.

I didn't want to go all out in my current state.

"Now, flip the switch on the left side of your knee." HK-74 instructed. I did so.

Planting my feet against the pads, I flexed my quadriceps.

My good leg responded to my commands, my bad leg... not so much. The muscles had certainly atrophied... shrunk due to inactivity. As a result, they merely twitched when given neurological commands. The mind-muscle connection was broken.

"Can I start?" I asked.

"Have at it, kid." HK-74 stated, giving me the clear.

I pushed.


Immediately, as the chrome brace began extending, I felt a surge of electricity discharge from the device.

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