Chapter 34 - Outgun the Nightmare

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3rd Person

The clones were loyal to a fault. They were loyal to their generals, and loyal to their chancellor... but where did that loyalty come from?

The answer was simple... it came from design. The Kaminoans, having developed the galaxy's premier cloning technology, made several alterations to the DNA of their original cloning template.

These... benign modifications fostered good behavior in the troopers. While still having the independence to devise basic strategies on the battlefield, almost every clone ultimately deferred to their superiors.

Many Jedi expressed disgust at that fact, considering the tampering to be unethical. Some Jedi, such as Master Plo Koon treated their clones with great respect and compassion - no different than any other living being.

Others were not so kind.

Perhaps it wasn't a surprise then, that more than a few clones broke free of their programming... and deserted their posts.

Of course, when an army that just so happened to suit the republic's needs appeared out of nowhere, the Jedi became skeptical... as did the republic at large.

But with war on the horizon, with the confederacy's droids primed and ready to go, they had no choice but to use the clones.

Still... as the clone war raged on, the mystery lingered, hanging over the Jedi like a bad omen.

Who truly commissioned the clones... and for what purpose?


Hyperspace. A swirling spiral of astral blue engulfed my vision.

The passage of lightspeed was like a strong ocean current, but spacial.

How long had it been since we departed from Mooga? I'd been submerged in the depths of space-time for what felt like eons.

Then again, maybe that was simply an indicator of how trapped I'd felt since we left. After all, during that battle, I'd lost control of myself so easily.

...Even after decades of knighthood, my master's most basic teachings still hadn't sunk in.


Master held the amethyst blade high above his head, a frigid grimace sculpted into his face.


The hum was haunting, amplifying my anxiety tenfold. I shivered, my body tensed up, and the bright-blue lakes in my eyes trembled... as if already anticipating the boiling agony of plasma.


He chopped down fiercely, until the purple plasma was blindingly close to my forehead. Pure instinct took over, and I sidestepped the feint. Master Windu shook his head, sighing deeply.

"Padawan, allow me to reiterate, you cannot avoid... you must accept." he instructed, emotionless.

"I... apologize... Master." I expressed, breathing shakily.

"If you cannot accept your death, you will never master your fear." he stated, raising his sword once more.

I began suppressing my primal instincts again... and fresh fear flickered in my eyes.

End Flashback

I never mastered it. Not like him. My master was truly fearless, but I? Even now, the best I could do was pretend.

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