Chapter 38 - Don't Let Go

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3rd Person

"May the force be with you."

A small, simple phrase... but one that revealed a great deal about the many who spoke it.

"May the force be with you," as in...

"Let the force be on your side..."

So many had it in their heads that for every action they took, every small victory they earned...

The force decided all of it. Everything. Even the most inconsequential trivialities of life.

And if it wasn't the force, it was always something else...


An endless, linear stream of time.

Everything deliberate, everything planned...

That was a comfort to some.

To others...

A chain.


"And the refugees? Are they being cared for?" Master Shaak Ti inquired, the sun's rays glistening on her as she stood in the center of the high council chamber.

"From what we saw... yes." Anakin answered truthfully, albeit unenthusiastically. "But judging by the talk of the town, that won't last..."

The council chamber had already mostly emptied, yet Master Ti had requested that Anakin clarify a few things for her after the official report.

As usual, all of the formalities were doing a number on my master's temper.

"You must be proud of Zevon." Master Kenobi commented, making light conversation as Anakin outlined the general state of Alderaan's political turmoil.

"Mostly..." I admitted, conflicted. "But part of me is still worried... about what comes next."

"It may embolden him." Master Kenobi agreed, turning his gaze over to Anakin, standing in Master Ti's shadow. "Which could be good... or not so good."

"Yeah, I knew you'd get it." I laughed reservedly. "Anakin always called me reckless, but... between Zevon and I, it wasn't even close. I just wish I hadn't been so forceful with him."

"I understand... similarly to you, I've wondered if maybe I was too forceful with Anakin." Master Kenobi lamented, his gaze dropping. "But still... I was there. I watched over him, looked out for him... even when he didn't want me to."

Master Kenobi paused before continuing.

"I saved him countless times, mostly from himself; occasionally he returned the favor." he recalled.

Finally, he looked me right in the eyes, demanding my full attention.

"Don't wait for a thank you. You did what you could, whether you did it right or not... and now you have to let him fly on his own." he advised genuinely.

"Right..." I reluctantly concurred.

Just as our short chat wrapped up, Anakin and Master Ti concluded theirs.

"Snips, I'm gonna need you at the training grounds in about..." Anakin trailed off, squinting at his wrist to check the time. "An hour, and we have two guests... but I'm sure he already told you."

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