Chapter 43 - Two Choices

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3rd Person

Compassion is the envoy of balance... love without condition, without ownership.

An unshakable tenant of the Jedi code.

Compassion is a sturdy shelter... a tender refuge, cradling all who seek solace from the galaxy's storms of cruelty.

And much like shelter... even Jedi need it.


We flew through the atmosphere, and I laid eyes on a free galaxy.

Distant stars urging me to go farther...

Astral staircases demanding that I climb higher...

The cosmic force enveloping me, brushing over the surface of my skin...

'May the force be with you.'

For so long I despised ever hearing or saying that phrase, my distaste for it having only simmered recently.

Others heard 'good luck' or 'safe travels,' while I heard 'do better.'

It almost felt like a personal insult sent from the force itself. A taunt directed at my weakness.

Like dangling s treat above an infant Tooka cat, its mangy fur sullied by Coruscant's soot-coated innards, but never allowing it to sink its teeth into the morsel.


Our cruiser hummed as its arrowhead-shaped bow peeked out of the atmosphere, the specters of millions of stars settling contently around the hull.

The Absolute rose into higher orbit, and Coruscant's chains of gravity fell away one by one.

Master Gallia, Burst, and I each took a moment to watch the departure from a hangar, all while occupied with our own activities.

I naturally took to the floor to train, and was soon sweating furiously through a grueling session of calisthenics.

Meanwhile, Burst sat in a metal chair, his white-armored arms resting on the blue, ghostly surface of a holotable as he fixated on the projection hovering above. Once I finished my workout, he was prepared to give me another lesson in blaster marksmanship.

And Master Gallia...? She was polishing her ship as usual, her eyes fixated on the galaxy outside, their oceans reflecting starlight back onto deep space.


Ahead and to the right, a Jedi starfighter locked into a hyperspace ring, blitzing into space-time shortly after.


Master Gallia snorted under her breath as she watched the blue ship depart, a book in her lap as she sat back atop the hull of her vessel... the scarlet, white-striped aethersprite dubbed the Red Comet.

I glanced up from my pushups, exchanging smirks with Burst.

"Oh, what a poor shmuck... using hyperspace rings? What, can they not afford a personal hyperdrive?" the clone lieutenant snickered.

In retaliation, Master Gallia flung a side-eye Burst's way.

"The cost is well worth the benefits... and ultimately, not more than what the Senate can provide."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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