Chapter 22 - The Ocean's Fury

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3rd Person

The Jedi joined The Clone War, despite their better judgement.

Putting aside the ethics of their involvement, both Knights and Masters struggled to find themselves as they took on new, unfamiliar roles.

Jedi became generals.


Padawans became commanders.


Padawans... more often than not, children.

Throughout the incessant bombardment of death and destruction, it was easy to lose sight of that.

It was also easy to willfully ignore it...

If even seasoned Jedi Knights found such a turbulent transition discomforting, what about the most vulnerable... the weakest among the order?

Putting aside the already... questionable conditioning Jedi youth experienced as a part of their training, what additional psychological damage would the war brand them with?

Children... born into a bloodbath. Children... given command of an army. Children... frequently witnessing their friends and comrades perish.

As they grew in such a harsh, volatile environment, it became both an arduous task for the budding saplings to find their place in the galaxy.

Each of them struggled for survival, at odds with the elements... sometimes at odds with each other.

But, eventually...

The saplings would have to sprout their leaves.


Grievous had begun his assault.

I could tell as much, based on the frantic exchanges I'd heard over our communications network.

Additionally, alarms had started blaring in the corridors outside our post.

After taking a quick peek outside, Barriss had relayed another startling piece of information.

Someone had initiated a lockdown; thick, armored doors had completely walled our previously planned escape routes.

"Come in! Come in, anyone!" I barked into my communicator.

Ahsoka, Barriss, and I were all huddled together... enveloped in darkness as I sought out a response.

Within the reactor room situated atop the factory, we were alone...

Without guidance.

Finally, a response came through.

"This is Master Gallia speaking." my master's calm, monotone voice relayed.

"Master, can you tell me what's happening down there?" I asked, trying to emulate her cold rationality.

"Grievous has commenced his attack, though... you probably already knew that. They achieved entry through the factory's exterior with lightsabers. Be on the lookout for magnaguards, as well as a few commandos. " she informed.

Another voice then joined the communications channel, with the sounds of hacking and slashing audible in the background.

"Stay where you are... unless you're attacked. In that case, don't engage... contact us immediately." Luminara ordered, cutting out thereafter.

Ahsoka, Barriss, and I looked back and forth at one another, startled by the multiple revelations.

"Why has the factory entered a lockdown?!" Ahsoka demanded, sounding miffed.

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