Chapter 17 - Resentment

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3rd Person

There was a reason Anakin Skywalker was thought to be the "The Chosen One."

He was a prodigy of his generation, yet even that description failed to characterize his nearly infinite potential.

He was an exception among exceptions.

However, "Chosen One" or not, he wasn't the first.

'The youngest Jedi master to ever sit on the council...'

A 'nearly unrivaled duelist,' achieving mastery over all seven disciplines of lightsaber combat...

Second to only Grand Master Yoda, and even that was up for debate...

Before Anakin Skywalker, there was Mace Windu.


"That's enough form I, padawan. Let's move on to form II." my master instructed.

A blissfully ignorant listener would perceive her tone as cold and callous; normal for her. I on the other hand, picked up on some intricacies.

She was nervous, ever so slightly. She hid it well, but I could tell.

I followed her instructions, shifting to a one-handed grip.

I began demonstrating the basics of Makashi; fluid, precise movements. Though I'd been studying it for a while, my fundamentals were... rough, to say the least.

'Ergh!' I cursed mentally, the instability in my bad knee causing the entire leg to quiver. It greatly inhibited my footwork.

Still, I continued the show, twirling throughout the training grounds as my blade arced through the air.

The brief glimpses I would get of Master Windu painted a clear picture: he was abundantly disinterested.

Master Gallia had given me the idea that I would receive a lesson.

This was an inspection.

"I'm beginning to think Master Mundi was right." I overheard Master Windu comment, sounding bored.

"He's... he's still learning. We've only gotten through the first three forms thus far." my master replied, still jumpy.

"And this is his showing? The boy is either less impressive than I thought, or your teaching has regressed." Master Windu asserted.

"I assure you master, he just needs time. The forms don't come naturally for him." Master Gallia stressed.

"The boy hardly has a drop of force-sensitive blood! The forms are all he has, and you're telling me he needs time? Perhaps my lessons still haven't gotten through to you, Adi." Master Windu emphasized in a brief glimpse of annoyance.

My master opened her mouth to say something, but he motioned for her to be silent.

Then, making eye contact with myself, Master Windu made his way to my position.

"Master Windu, should I continue?" I asked, making an effort to not explode with fury.

"No padawan, I've seen enough. I believe you're ready for a sparring session." he stated.

I nodded, joining him in spreading out to an ideal starting distance.

Before we could continue, I was interrupted by Master Gallia as she strolled toward me.

"Padawan... before you start, there is something you must know about my master." she whispered into my ear.

"What is it?" I asked, urging her to elaborate.

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