Chapter 23 - My Padawan

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3rd Person

Practice makes perfect... or so they say.

For every technique, art, or trade in existence, there exists but one method to cultivate such skills.

Persistent, tireless effort.



The universe is unfair, cruel even.

Everyone is born into different circumstances, different environments.

Some are born with higher intelligence.

Some are born with better looks.

Some are born with greater talent.


Some are born with none of those things.

There is but one way to overcome such inequity.

Persistent, tireless effort.


Even so...

To say that focus always defeats raw talent...

To say that hard work always pays off...

That would be a lie.

Our lives are merely blips throughout existence, after all...

One lifetime of focus isn't always enough.

Regardless, that's all we can do, right?

Keep trying.


Even then, practice is just that... practice.

Despite all the preparation, the countless hours of uninterrupted focus...

Finally executing your craft in the moment...

It's another beast entirely.


"Anakin! You've got more company!" Obi-wan shouted through my communicator.

"I'd better go welcome them, then." I replied humorously, steering the nose of my spacecraft toward the vulture droids.

It wasn't long before I engaged the incoming duo.

And, after intercepting the fresh batch of aerial drones...


It wasn't long before I turned them into dazzling blasts of combustion and debris.


I wasn't quick enough; before succumbing to my laser blasts, one of the drones let loose a single bolt from its blaster cannons.

That single bolt enflamed the ocean's fury.

Ignited by the bolt of energy, the layer of flammable toxins atop the waves burst into flame.

Tall, monstrous tongues of flame swiftly overtook the ocean's surface.

The sky was now clear, albeit turbulent... but the sea...

The sea had gone mad.

The vast ocean had been set ablaze...

And I...

I was powerless to stop its wrath.

Obi-wan POV


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