Chapter 36 - Shatterpoint

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3rd Person

"Try not. Do, or do not, there is no try."

Every youngling that walked the Jedi path was bound to hear Master Yoda's famous words once or twice.

There is only success, or failure. No middle ground.

You either succeed, or you fail.


Is that really what Yoda meant?



Brilliant indigo bloomed from the heavy hilt.

I couldn't help myself... when I witnessed Zevon ignite his lightsaber for the first time, my mouth opened into a smile wider than a the largest landing strip.

Behind Zevon, the once roaring inferno started to falter.

The flames died a slow death, ebbing away until their roar was merely a whimper.


Zevon's blade stood out in the silence, the indigo plasma screaming a grating melody... a sound unlike any I'd ever heard from a lightsaber before.

A cry, a growl...? It was hard to tell.

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With the droids' blasters still cooling, the droid general's gaze lingered on Zevon.

When I glanced back at my closest friend, I realized that I'd left his vision.

Everything had, except Grievous.

The two of them saw each other, and nothing else.

Grievous, standing behind his legions of battle droids.

Zevon, standing atop the wreckage of his master's starfighter.

I blinked...

And then Zevon was on the wall.


"Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap! Tap! Tap!"

The soles of my boots surfed on durasteel panels, carrying me over the countless rows of battle droids.

My enemy's sunken, yellow eyes followed me still; we hadn't broken eye contact.

His gaze sharpened. So did mine.

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