-chapter twenty one-

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Ellie was singing Part of Your World in the dressing room, spinning around in a purple skirt and her Speak Now t-shirt she'd made last night and a new purple bow that Grace had gotten her in her hair. She loved letting Taylor play with her hair, letting her try out different hairstyles. She'd gone to see the live action version of The Little Mermaid with Blake, James and her sisters - and she had loved every minute of it. She'd even gotten to have a whole popcorn and an ice cream to herself! She'd been singing it ever since, and Gracie had often joined in - the two of them loved bellowing out Wild Uncharted Waters, and Ellie loved it because Taylor would hum along, singing Ariel's melody. She loved the things that made Taylor smile, and especially if they were things that she did to make it that way. She wasn't used to things that she did making adults happy, or having them laugh with her, rather than at her.

Today, Ellie had little butterflies sticking out of her hair, and they matched perfectly with the skirt she was spinning in. The butterflies, in combination with the purple bow that Gracie had gotten her, made Ellie feel like a fairy. She looked like a lovely little lilac fairy, all she needed were the wings. The butterflies looked like they danced on her head, and Gracie's bow billowed out behind her, down her back. They caught the light, and made Taylor smile, because she knew she'd be able to see them from the stage. Gracie was sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone, her makeup done, her shoes beside her.
"Taylorrrr!" Ellie came and stood behind her at the vanity, her head resting on Taylor's shoulder, her arms around the singer's neck. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, little bee. Your hair looks really pretty tonight, I love the little butterflies."
"That's because you did it for me! I'll never ever ever get tired of watching you up there," Ellie admitted. "It looks really fun. One day I wanna be a great singer like you and Gracie and I wanna dance on a stage having fun."
Taylor turned to face her with a smile. "Do you want to know something?"
Ellie nodded, wrapping her arms around Taylor's neck.
"I like dancing around the lounge in pyjamas with you much better." Taylor then kissed her cheek as her Mom opened the door.
"Alright, little lady, are you ready to go and take our seats?" Ellie always wanted to be there for Gracie's set - even if it meant saying goodbye to Taylor early. Gracie's set was one of her favourite parts of the night.
"I'll see you after, Taylor." Ellie beamed. "I'm gonna be so sparkly, I hope you see me."
"I always see you, Ellie bee." Taylor pulled her in for one last hug. "Alright you, I'll see you soon."
"Love you lots." Ellie grinned.
"I love you more," Taylor told her. "Have fun. Oh, Mom - Ellie's bag is over there on the couch." Ellie's bag was full of a water bottle, mints, tissues, and her favourite photo of Taylor. Just in case a flashback happened, just in case she got overwhelmed... Taylor had made sure that she had everything she needed. Typically, Ellie got an itchy throat when she got super anxious, and the mints and the water would hopefully soothe that. She never left the house without the bag, just in case. Flashbacks, and the sort of thing that would send Ellie into a panic couldn't be controlled, they happened anywhere and any time.
"Have fun Gracieeee! See you at the end, Taylor," Ellie beamed with a wave.
"You sure will!" Taylor grinned. Her Mom closed the door.
"I'll make sure to give you a wave," Gracie smiled.

Taylor brushed her hair one last time as her phone began to ring. Gracie glanced over at her, and the two made eye contact for a brief moment because they both knew what it might be.
"Hello?" Taylor answered, checking the clock. It was ten minutes until Gracie would have to be up on stage. She was nervous about tonight. She was so, so nervous. "It's Taylor speaking."
"Hi Taylor!" Taylor's heart froze the moment she realised that she knew this voice. "It's Kate."

Taylor knew she shouldn't, but she hated this woman. She hated the fact that she held Ellie's fate in her hands, Ellie's life. Ellie's happiness. She knew that it was all about to be snatched right from beneath her. She turned, glancing over at Gracie, her eyes watering.
Gracie shook her head in disbelief, and Taylor nodded, her lips trembling. The two of them didn't need words to communicate what was going on. Here they were, two of the most genius lyricists in the century, and a single glance spoke a thousand words. They knew what words couldn't describe, and maybe in a different time, Gracie would have made a comment about the power of women - that they could understand each other with a single look. In a different time, she might have said that this was the sort of moment that would have been so popular in a film... but it wasn't a different time. They were right in the middle of it - now.

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