Not so alone...- Part 6

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Alexander carries me all the way to his house, avoiding the looks people give us. My cheeks probably are the color of a tomato by now.

He opens the door of his house and proceeds carrying me up the stairs to his bedroom, while i struggle to get out of his grip, but he holds me tight, so close to his chest that i can't breathe. Finally we reach his room. He throws me on the bed and then stands in front of me, just staring. In a bad way. Like he... No. I want to get up, but immediately he grabs my arms and holds me down to his bed. Now he's hovering over me. Is it hot in here? I'm sweating like a pig. He gives me intense looks, he wants me, but apparently my face doesn't say the same, because one second later he gets off me and straightens his back proudly, his chin up, like he's proud he finally got me to lay on his bed.

- Stay here until I come back,understood?

- What if I don't?-I reply angrily.

- Try it and you'll see what happens!-he threates.

He is not the boss of me! In protest, I get up from the bed and try to leave, but he grabs my arm hard, not letting me go.

-Let me go! When will you realise I'm not interested in you! I've never been and I never will be so just give up!- I scream.

He is taken aback by my sudden outburst and just stares me with wide eyes.

- You will stay here. End of story. - he says quietly. He is mad as hell. I don't care anyway, he can cry all he wants. He lets go of my arm and gets out of the room, locking the door behind him. Great, now I'm stuck here. Curse him and his jealousy!

While I'm here, I might also mess up stuff in his room. It's quite big actually, twice the size of mine. I'm talking about bedrooms you perverts. Navy blue bed sheets, also navy blue walls, and white wooden furniture. I rummage his drawers. He must have another key here.

First drawer.

A few books, plastic bags, some photographs of his family, his pets. And food. Some pizza, a bottle of coke and chips. Nice, this is gonna be my lunch.

Second drawer.

Clothes, T-shirts, shirts, jeans, hats and... Boxers?! Ewwwwwwwwwww

Third drawer.

Socks, more shirts and a brown wooden box. It has a tiny lock on the side, which I manage to break easily by hitting the box against the wall. Inside there are photographs of him and... Me. There's my parents and I, my dead dog and I and a tiny photo of me and...him? What? How? Did we go to the same kindergarten? Anyway, why does he have pics of me? Where did he get them? Has he been stalking me all this time? I must be around 6 years old here, so he must be like 11? That pedophile! What the hell? I need to get out of here!
I shut the box closed and start thinking of a way out. The window! I look outside to see if I can jump out of it. It's too high, 3 floors high, but I'd rather die than be locked in a room with a pedo. So I throw one leg up, then the other, so I'm sitting on the window ledge, ready to jump. The second I start pushing myself down, the door creaks open and I hear a voice:

- What are you doing?!

Dammit. Caught in the action.

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