Dirty mouth - Part 21

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"Things aren't always as they seem to be". This sentence was these people's life motto. I believe it, because it's true, our eyes may fool us sometimes into believing a false reality. But this time I just couldn't accept it.

- What do you mean we're here?

I don't know how high I must be to not see this.

- We're at Mr. Larendelle's.

I must be crazy, because all I see is nothing. We're in an open field and all that meets my eye is grass and a blue sky, nothing else, just like that field in that Windows picture.

- I demand an explanation.

- Of what?

They all stare at me like I'm insane. Am I? Am I seeing stuff? Or am I just dreaming this? I don't remember smoking pot this morning before I left the camp. Wait. I don't smoke pot. They continue staring.

- Have I gone insane?

- What? - Lucas says, barely holding his laugh in.

- Am I dreaming all of this?

They all laugh.

- No, you're not, - Ted says.

- Then you must be playing with me, like I'm some toy.

- What? Damn girl, I thought you were smarter than this, - Isaac jokes.

- Isaac, shut up!

They all stop laughing immediately, obviously surprised by my sudden mood change, and get serious.

- This is pointless! This is madness! This is it!

- What happened?! - Ted's mom says confused.

- I'll tell you what happened! Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I hope you all have had a good laugh because it's over! I'm going home.

- What?! Why?

- Because I don't want to be here anymore, that's why! I was stupid enough to follow you all the way here, but I'm not gonna be so dumb to actually stay here and watch while you toy me around! I don't even know what you are! How do I know you brought me here just so you can eat me? Or kill me? Or turn me into whatever the fuck you are?! And now you say that "we're here". Where is here? This is obviously another trap of yours! Ha ha, joke's over. I'm leaving!

I turn around and walk away, leaving them with confused looks on their faces.

- But wait-

-Enough is enough Lucas! What other bullshit are you going to make up now?! That Mr. Larendelle lives under a rock, even though I don't see one, but things are not always as they seem, right? Or you're Mr. Larendelle?!

- No, I'm not! Just turn around and look at it yourself!

- Wha... - my words are cut in half when I turn. A big round hole on the ground.

- What the hell?

- Come on, - Lucas says and reaches out for my hand. He grasps it in his holding it tight, and a weird feeling overcomes my body. His fingers entwined with mine, but the coldness of his hand sent shivers down my spine. He lead me towards the hole until we were standing at its edge. I looked down, trying to see if I could distinguish anything that was inside. When I looked up again, all the others were gone. Only Lucas was still there, holding my hand. I looked down at it and slowly turned my wrist around to get a better look at this sudden act of his. Before I could do anything, he yanked his hand back and let go of mine, nervously wiping it on his shirt.

- So, um, do you want to come? I mean, to go down the hole? That sounded bad, - he's so nervous. I laugh out loud while scratches the back of his head, - Do you... Want me... To like... Take you to Mr. Larendelle?

He finally spit it out.

- Okay.

He smiles and puts his hand on my back.

- But, - I interrupt, - if this is one of your stupid jokes or even worse, a trap, I'm going to rip your skin alive, okay? - I threaten while smiling. His smile disappears.

- So, - I grasp his hand, - How do we get to Mr. Larendelle?

- Simple. We jump.

- What do you meaaaaaaan - I scream as he pushes me into the hole. I grip his neck with one hand and I put the other around his torso, clutching him to me. In a few seconds I fall hard onto the ground. Great. My ass will hurt in the morning. I sit up while slowly rubbing my butt. Soon I realise, Lucas is gone. So is everybody else. I'm all alone in a candlelit underground cave, if I can call it so. Only one candle makes enough light for this big ass cave. I get up and walk around the place. I'm all alone. I look up, expecting to see the hole I jumped in, but all I see is darkness. The cave must be bigger than I thought. Where did the others go? Where did Lucas go?

- Lucas? - I call. No answer. Only the echo of my voice.

- Isaac?

- Ted?

- Anyone?! - I shout.

I am the stupidest person in the world. Isaac was right. How could I fall for a pretty face?! Only that I fell in a giant cave, not in love. And now I'm all alone.

- Hello?! - I yell again. No one answers.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever done, and now I'm going to pay for it with my own life. I knew it. I knew it! And I fell for it! I knew this was a trap and I was stupid enough not to trust my instincts! Why?! That... That...

- You little fucker!!! - I scream out loud. After that, other angry curses come out one after the other.

- I trusted you! Dick! Asshole! All of you! Liars! How could you?! Arghhhh, when I get my hands on you I'll be merciless! I'll fucking rip all of your skins and fucking hang them all out in the sun to dry, so I can fucking wear them after! But you Lucas, you are going to be something special! I'll make a fucking carpet out of you! A welcome mat so I can fucking wipe my dirty boots on your face! You hear me you piece of shit?! You liar! Fucking slut! You whores!

- Well you have a dirty mouth, don't you?

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