Trapped - Part 8

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- Dad?!

What is he doing here? How did he know I'm here? I look behind him. There was my mom holding my baby brother, Mr. Rivera and... Alexander! He told him!

- Luna, my god, your leg! Are you okay?! Lay down immediately! Selena call the doctor! - he told my mom.

- Dad, I'm fine! Christian helped me, but apparently Alexander here hasn't told you anything about that, huh? Did ya? Or you thought that by telling him about me you'd look good yourself, huh? You would be the nice guy who got the troublemaker back in tracks?! Why didn't you tell them about Christian?!

His cheeks turned red. He was embarrassed. Ha, see what I felt earlier.

- Luna, don't talk to him like that! He's done the right thing, something you never do! Now get back inside! -my mother shouts, scaring my little brother, making him cry.

- No! He's a stalker and mean and jealous and possessive! Why can't you see that...

- Miss Moretti, please calm down. Let's all go back inside, have some tea and talk this through. - Mr. Rivera said. Here come the tears again. I want to leave.

I want to escape all this madness. I push my dad out of the way and start running towards the woods. My leg hurts so much, but the pain of being there hurts so much more. I run and run with tears now flowing freely down my face. Why am I crying?

Because I hate this. I hate my life. I hate everyone. I'm wounded for the first time in years of hunting and suddenly I find out that I have my personal stalker! I know he doesn't love me, he lies! If he loved me, he wouldn't hurt me, he would be nicer, he would let me go, he wouldn't restrain me, he wouldn't hold me captive of his pervert fantasies! He wants my dad's approval, so then he can be the special groom of the Special Forces Commander, Mr. Moretti, the well-known leader of the West District army in war. Getting married to gain reputation, that jerk thinks he's fooling me! Well I will never marry him! Never!

I'm still running, breathing heavily. Now I'm far outside the city, near the Walls. I slow down. I can't breathe anymore. My leg is killing me. It has probably started bleeding again. I need to rest, but not now. I need to get outside. I'm now at the Walls. They're still electrified, so dangerous, the barriers that restrain me from freedom. I will get out the old fashion way: by digging. I have a special spot, like a rabbit hole that I dug with my own hands when I first started hunting. Usually I get out by fooling the guards, by stealing a keycard. There are no security cameras here, because monsters and dark souls can't be seen on video or photographs, so it would be useless. We all know that who goes out, never comes back in. Except me of course, but no one knows that, except Christian. So many exceptions. I get on my knees and start digging a hole with my bare hands as fast as I can.

- What are you doing?!

Oh, no. I slowly turn around and there is Alexander, who is out of breath, shocked by what I was doing. I get up, and freeze in place. Oh, no. He will rat me out, he will tell them I was trying to get out.

- What are you doing?

He repeats the question,although he knows too well what I was doing. He steps forward and I step back. He stops, because one step back and I'll be electrocuted to death.

- Luna, please step forward, it's dangerous to stay there!

- You're gonna rat me out,- I say quietly.

- Please come here!

- You're gonna tell them.

- No I won't, but please step away from the fence!

- Why are you here? Why did you follow me here?!

-  Because I was afraid that you'd do something stupid, and here you are! Please, come here.

- Stupid? No.

- Please, Luna, you'll die out there!

- I'd rather die than be your toy for the rest of my life!

- Toy??? Luna, you've got it all wrong, I- cut off.

- Let me guess. You thought that by marrying me my dad would look at you with another eye, he'd promote you. Ain't I right?

- No Luna you are completely wrong. I would never hu- cut off again.

- Noooo oh no no no no you would never hurt me, I know, never, except all those times you've hurt me! - i say ironically.

- Luna please listen...

- No, you listen! How many times do I have to tell you to GO AWAY??? Do you think I'm joking?! I am not interested and so are you! Just admit it and let's get it over with!

- Luna, please I...

- You what? And then I find photos of me in your room! What? Do you keep them for your "personal entertainment"? You make me sick! If you think I will ju- cut off.

- Luna shut up! It's not true, stop making things up! - he yells at me, offended,- Yes, I work with your dad, yes, I have photographs of you, yes, I want to have you only for myself, but I would never, ever use you to get what I want! I can't explain it, I want to be with you, I want to hold you close, I want you to be mine! I just... Just... I need you... You have never wanted to be with me, I know it. But... But I still want...

- You want what? You see, that's why I don't want to be with you: because you only WANT! I am not a trophy for you room, Alexander! I am not some- cut off.

- Luna, I don't consider you as one!

- Then why don't you just quit?! Quit making my life hell!

- Am I that disgusting to you? So irritable to be with?!

- For the billionth time, yes!

- Fine! You wanna be mean?! I can be mean too, you know?!

- Oh, I already know that!

- Well you're about to find out better! Come here this instant!

- No, Alexander, no! I don't want to!

- You come here or else...

- Or else what? You'll beat me up?! Cuz that's the only thing left to do!

He straightens his back, getting really quiet. I always knew I was gonna die in the woods, just not this way...

- Or I'm gonna rat you out.

- You would never.

- Dare me.

- You... You little-

- And if don't keep your mouth shut all the way home, I'm gonna make sure your father gets it, waaaay worse than when your uncle died, understood?!

- Ugh... Yea...

- Say it!

- Yes, Alexander, yes!

- Good. You're finally learning.

He smiles proudly.

- You are a monster, you know that?

- But I'm also your husband, so watch you mouth!

- Never.

He laughs.

- You'll see. Start walking, my dear wife.

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