Almost there... - Part 10

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Alexander had had the guts to send a car to pick us up. The only vehicles  we see in town are from the military, normal cars are rarely seen here. But this one seemed normal, even though it had a soldier as its driver. I had never gotten into one, until now. I decide to sit by the window. I wanted to think, to enjoy the last minutes of my freedom. Everything was clear: I had to go there and become his wife, if I didn't my family would be in trouble. But can I live with such man? Can I spend the rest of my life with someone who swore he loved me since the beginning and then threatened me so I wouldn't leave? Can I? I already know the answers to my questions, but they're not the ones people want to hear. I will miss my life so much. I will miss the woods, my house, even the monsters I kill everyday. Alexander surely won't let me stay out like I do now, he won't let me go outside the city, I will be his prisoner. It's gonna be hell on Earth.

I turn my head to look at the other passengers: my parents and my brother. No one is looking. My mom's staring at the window while my dad stares at the road ahead and my brother, well, he's a baby. Suddenly, he looks up to me, straight in the eye and smiles. He's so cute, blond hair and sea blue eyes, just like my mom. I took after my dad, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, nothing special. I smile back. Then he points out the window, to the forest. What? Maybe he likes the color, dark green. He's like me, he likes the woods too. Maybe there's where I belong, where I should be. But I risk too much.

Slowly, I clutch the car's door handle in my hand. My brother's still smiling, like he's telling me I'm doing the right thing. But he's just a baby, though. One day, someone will tell him about his older sister, the one who fought for freedom. I smile at him for the last time. Good luck, Daniel.

I yank the door open, jump out of the car and start running. The car stops immediately and I hear my brother laughing and clapping his tiny hands. I smile. I'm going to be free!

I never stop running until I reach my house. I go to the backyard, where I had all my weapons hidden. I have no time to grab them all, so I pick the most useful one: my spear. I'm really good at killing with it. With nothing else on my mind, I head straight to the woods. I'm so close to being free. I run and run until I can't see the houses anymore.

Inside the forest there are no other creatures but insects, squirrels and birds. Now it's also gonna be me who will live there. There's a dark atmosphere around, I love it. It means that I'm alone. Everything else swallowed by darkness, but  not me, I'm still running in that white wonderful dress and white heels. It's like I'm a bright light inside the darkness, like I'm shining. So innocent, yet so dangerous. I'm near the Walls now, seconds away from freedom. How will I get out? Easy. By stealing.

I see them, the guards. They're still here. Do they know? They must. I slowly sneak up on one one of them who was closer. I grab him from the back and cover his mouth with my hand before he says something. He tries to fight back, pushing his elbow backwards to hit me in the stomach. I swerve my body to the right and quickly push him back until his back is completely pressed to a tree trunk behind him, my hand still covering his mouth. I press my body against his, an action that surprised him because his eyes got wider.

- Shhhhhh... Don't speak. I'm not going to hurt you, - I say in a low voice, quiet, seductive.

He nods slowly, probably wondering how a girl managed to shove him like that.

- I'm not gonna hurt you...

My hand travels down his body slowly, unbuttoning his jacket. I move my chin up seductively, lips parted, breathing heavily, eyes half closed, full of heat and he seems to fall for it. Hah, moron. My hand moves again, lower and lower. He shuts his eyes, like he expects me to do something. Yeah, I'm going to do something, just not what he thinks. My hand goes up again. Where is the damn keycard?! I need to go deeper, so I push the jacket off his shoulders and it falls on the ground. I see something flashing in the corner of my eye and I slowly turn my head to the side. THE DAMN KEYCARD. Now it's on the ground, how am I going to get it?!

Think, Luna, think. The soldier opens his eyes again and I come back to my senses. Slowly, I move my hands up again, taking a deep breath. He moans. Is he seriously thinking I'm going to do this?! How come he doesn't know about me? My hands move all the way to his neck. Alexander has probably set off every alarm in town and my dad must have sent out search teams to look for me. Have they? How come he doesn't know? I move my hands to the back of his head and pull on his hair hard, making him groan. Is he playing with me? Anyway, I'm not going to let him win. My hands move to the front of his head, touching his face, tracing my fingers around his lips. He closes his eyes again. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I make my move and push his head back, banging it against the tree as hard as I can. Once, twice, thrice. And then I let go. He falls on the ground unconscious. I grab the keycard from his jacket and look around, this time for a door, an exit. There is one next to the big Oak tree, I have used it before. I take my spear with me before leaving. So I start running again. I can already feel it: I'm almost free.

My heels are slowing me down, so I take them off. Like the lady I am, I decide to hold them in my hands and run barefoot. The grass feels so nice under my feet. After a while, I'm at the Oak tree. The exit is still there, waiting for me. I put the keycard in, I hear a loud beep and then the noise of an electric charge. The door opens by itself. I push it open wide.

The outside.

Two steps.



I'm free.

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