Inside...- Part 11

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* Leiden City Special Forces Headquarters *

- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST HER?! - Alexander slams his hand on the table, - How do you lose a 17 year old girl?!

- Sir, our men were not warned about her escape, we didn't have orders to catch her, so none of the soldiers could do anything.

- Orders?! Orders?! You had your orders the minute you saw her running around the city! I had warned you!

- But, sir- No excuses! You failed at your task completely! And someone is going to suffer because of it!

The door opens and someone enters the room.

- Relax, Alexander. We will find her,- the chilled voice of General Moretti echoed the room, - She has nowhere to go, she's just stalling the wedding.

- Stalling?! We agreed on this! She was going to be my wife! It was a done deal!

- Watch who you're talking to, Alexander! Lower your voice! Don't forget your superiors!

Alexander steps back, finally coming to his senses, and in a state of shock, he bows and apologizes:

- Forgive me ,sir, for my inappropriate behaviour.

- It's okay. Just watch out next time.

The door bursts open and a soldier enters, a terrified look on his face, screaming:

- Generals, a guardian of the Walls was found unconscious! His keycard was missing and the exit of sector 5 was found open!

- What?!- Alexander and Moretti exchange worried looks, - Did you found any traces of her, signs that mean it was her?!- Alexander asks, fearing the answer.

- Sir, the guardian says he was attacked by a girl, black hair, black eyes, white, maybe in her 20s, but we believe that it was Miss Luna Moretti.

- Damn it!- Alexander goes mad again, - I lost her! Forever!

- Oh, god...

Alexander turns around and looks out of the walls, which were made of glass, like a huge window, from which the entire city of Leiden could be observed. He looks at the view, a few lights shining, as it was past midnight by now. There's a worried look in his eyes, fear even. Where could she be? A lot of stuff happened in that room during that time: people shouting, running, noises, names being called, including his, but he was out of this world. It was terribly cold outside. Was she cold? Where would she sleep? Was she alive? So many questions he couldn't answer. She was gone because of him, his stupid threats, and that idiotic idea to force her into marriage. She was a free spirit, he knew. How can you imprison something that's made to be free? How can you hold captive an angel, because to him that's what she was, an angel sent from above. And he hadn't known how to appreciate it. And now she was gone. He hoped she was safe with all the strength of his heart, he was so mad at himself and so sad at the same time: how could he do that to her? If she dies out there, it's only because of him. It's heart wrenching to know she would rather be killed by those horrible creatures out there than be his. She hated him that much, willing herself to die? This was supposed to be the best day of his life, his biggest accomplishment, but it turned out to be a huge disaster. He promised himself, no matter what it would take, he would find her and rescue her. She wouldn't have to get married to him, unless she wanted to. She wouldn't force her into anything but her safety.

Then a crazy idea popped in his mind.

What if she's not willing to come back? What if she enjoys the life outside? What if she becomes one of them?

He mustn't let that happen. He would risk his life, he would die for her, for his angel. Even though she denied to be his... But it didn't matter, nothing mattered. It was one of these moments so precious in life, so rarely experienced. These moments happen when your heart makes the decision, and leaves out the brain. One moment of complete madness, irrational decisions. He had never felt something like this before, so strong. And a moment like this could lead to fatal consequences.

- Harold? - he called the Head of Leiden Security Unit.

- Yes sir,- the officer responded.

- Notify my family for me of my departure.

Confused looks on all the faces in the room.

- What departure, sir?

- I have decided to depart in an expedition outside the Walls to rescue Miss Moretti.

- But sir...

- End of discussion.

-... I'll prepare a unit to accompany you...

- No units.

- What?!

- Just me.

- Are you sure?!

- Yes.

- ...However you wish,sir.

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