Almost there - Part 20

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We walk straight through the forest until we're out in open fields. I never knew there were fields here, I didn't know what fields even looked like until now. It's truly a magical place. Grass covered the ground everywhere, a light green color that pleased the eye. But something seemed odd. We are hiding from monsters, at least I am, but they looked like monsters were their last concern. I've trusted them too much. I'm risking my life, but the only thing that surprised them about me was "blood". What was so shocking about blood? Maybe they haven't seen a human being in years. Not many make it out alive in here. Actually, no one makes it out alive. There have been cases of rebels who were thrown outside in punishment who have died scraping the metal barricades of the city with their own nails, trying to escape from what was here, in the forest. What was so bad about the forest anyway? We see monsters everyday, the ones here are just a bit more ugly.

Then it hits me like a bus.

What if my new friends are monsters? What if they are what the rebels feared so much? They shapeshift, I've seen them. Are they humans in the first place?I look at the young man, the annoying piece of shit. He laughed and joked with an Isaac, which I haven't seen yet. But Isaac is here for sure. Who else is here?

- How many of you are there? - I break my silence.They all stop. Ted's mom turns around.

- Excuse us?

- Right now, how many of you are here?

- Five, - she answers coolly and continues walking. So do the others, so do I.

- Five?

- Five.

- I only see three.

- Don't believe everything you see, - the young man answers.

- Did I ask you?

- I gave you an answer, you might as well say thanks, - he replies offended. He's pretending.

- Well I'll remember to ask you next time when I need orders to follow, okay?

The sound of someone holding their laugh is heard. An annoyed look on his face.

- You think you're so funny, huh? News flash: you're not, so quit it.

- Quit what?

- The ironic comments, your sarcastic remarks. It got old now.

- They come naturally to me, - I say and smile sarcastically.

- Shut up and walk.

- Why are we in open field?

- It's a shortcut, - he shrugs.

- It's dangerous, - I say.

- How so?

- Well, there are a ton of monsters here as a start.

- Monsters?

- Did I stutter?

He looks at me angrily.

- You left your manners elsewhere, I see.

- No, I brought them along, I just don't want to use them with you.

Another sound of a held back laughter. I smile victoriously.

- Well, you might as well go back home.

- I won't. Because you wanted to drag me here.

- I didn't.

- You did.

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