Not the only one... - Part 5

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Well this has been the worst day of my life.

And it's only 10 am.

The last thing I wanted today were unpleasant encounters, but this day seems to be full of them.

First, the monster.

Then Christian saw me half naked.

Now Alexander.

Can it get any worse?

I step back, slightly frightened by the look on his face. Green eyes full of madness.

-What are you doing here?- he said in a low voice.

-That's none of your business.

-None of my business, huh? Are you playing dumb with me, Luna? Cuz I'm not in a mood for games! How come I find you in here with that piece of-he looks down at me-What the hell happened to your leg?! Are you okay?

Immediately he gets down on one knee to take a closer look at it. I try to step back again, but his big ass hand grips on my good leg. Great, now I can't move.

-How did this happen??? What the hell.. I'll get a doctor, just sit down and rest and-Cut off.

-Look Alexander, I'm fine, I don't need a doctor, Christian fixed it.

His eyes suddenly got lit again. From worried to furious.

- I got attacked by a monster,- I say quietly, trying to distract him and calm him at the same time. I don't need another scandal.

-My God! The Special Forces said they had found one down the street, I just...- He's speechless.

- Was it dead?

-Uh, yeah...

-Then that's the one that attacked me.

-Oh my God...- he says, wrapping his also huge arms around me: an attempt of hugging me, a forced hug. How romantic. I reject it. I don't want, nor need his hug. The look on his face was priceless though. Then I walk past him, pushing him to the side. But he still doesn't quit.

- Where are you going?

-Anywhere you're not!

- Get back here immediately.- using the low voice again.

-No.- He's not the boss of me.

- I order you to come here right now.-Threatening me? That ain't gonna work.

-I don't want to!

- Did I ask you?! Get your little ass over here right now!- He's mad, but a glimpse of a smile escapes his lips. Did he just...? Is he thinking about my ass right now? Mature, real mature he is. Dick.

- And I said I don't want to! No means no.- I also lower my voice threateningly. He's not the only one who can get angry.

- Get back here. Now.- he's mad again.




Why are we arguing like we're teenagers? I'm mean yeah, I'm 17, but he's a fully grown man, he's freaking 22 for God's sake! And he's playing games with me! Hell no. Imma end this right now. So, I march back into the barn and happily throw my arms around Christian's neck, leaving them both wide mouthed. To make it look real, I close my eyes and hug him tighter, pressing my whole body to him. Christian awkwardly hugs me back, never breaking eye contact with Alexander, who has smoke coming out of his ears. HA. He's furious. I love it.

-Thank you so so much for your help, Christian! You saved my life!

My moment of happiness doesn't last much because I'm lifted off the ground by two strong arms. Alexander is carrying me out of the barn bridal style. Well this is gonna give people something to talk about for sure.

-Have you gone crazy?! Put me down this instant!- I struggle to get out of his grip, but he's just too strong, god damn it!

How ironic? I defeated a monster this morning, but I can't do shit about a 22 year old. Maybe it's my leg's fault.

- No fucking way, missy!

-Where are you taking me anyway?! I want to go home! Put me down!

-Oh, don't worry, I'll take you home!


- My home.


Why me? What have I done to suffer the torture that is Alexander Rivera, my husband-to-be. AS IF! Never in a billion years will I agree to marry him!

I hate unpleasant encounters.

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