Chapter 34

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Shadow sighed "it doesn't matter anymore." he came out of the forest and into the clearing pulling sonic with him letting their hiding place be known, the woman's gun immediately pointed at the two hedgehogs wearing a triumphant smirk on her face "now do as i say and the girl doesn't get hurt" she sounded confident but it didn't deter shadow nor sonic since the lady seemed like a normal criminal who doesn't know who she's dealing with.

"we do this fast, alright?" Shadow said glancing over to sonic who smirked taking a step forward looking back at shadow "fast is my specialty, i just hope you can keep up." Sonic faced back to the woman as she cocked the barrel preparing to fire once more, a slight smirk formed on shadows face as well their hands slowly slipping away from one another their fingertips grazing together before letting the others hand go and bursting into a sprint they ran towards the criminals not giving them time to react.

Sonic made his way to the woman kicking the gun out of her hand, she looked at him shocked she clear hadn't anticipated this she tumbled back but didn't fall just yet only until sonic tripped her making her fall roughly onto her back. The first thing shadow focused on was snatching Penelope away from the two mens grasp placing her unconscious body off to the side, shadow punched one of the men in the jaw knocking him into the other man both of them collapsing onto the floor, shadow ended up confiscating all of the weapons just in case the three criminals tried anything yet none of them dared to even get up and stayed on the ground.

"GUN will arrive soon" shadow said sitting down on the grass across from  Penelope placing the weapons off to the side of him, sonic nodded in understanding sitting down beside shadow just close enough for their shoulders to touch but shadow didn't seem to mind too much, they both sat in silence for a moment before sonic spoke up "..tails must be almost done with the cure by now" sonic glanced at shadow looking for a reaction but when he saw shadow gazing up at the night sky seemingly unfazed he couldn't help but feel a  tinge of disappointment. "What do you plan on doing once we get our bodies back?" Sonic said hoping to create conversation "..i'll just go back to doing what I usually do" shadow said flatly, "but it will be quite.. boring" he gave a quick glance to sonic before bringing his attention back to the sky "don't you like being boring?" Sonic smirked

Shadow just shot him a glare but decided to ignore the others response "what's your plan then?" Shadow asked "i don't know i think i'll just go back to what i usually do as well" sonic said, shadow nodded and then everything went quiet once again the only sounds heard were the occasional rustling of the trees in the wind, both hedgehogs couldn't help but feel a slight bit awkward knowing that they wouldn't see each other again after all this was over yet sonic didn't want that to happen "hey shads can i ask you something?" Sonic said in a hushed tone "hm?" Shadow hummed telling him he was listening "do you think we could go back on our promise? I know that we both agreed not to see each other again once we got our bodies back but-" "sonic." Shadow cut him off giving him a stern look that made sonic want to take back his words that look let sonic already know shadows answer.

"Never mind just forget it" sonic said as he shook his head thinking it was for the best to just brush the conversation off and forget it happened even though he didn't want to, sonic scooted over so their shoulders no longer touched, the familiar warmth and comfort that both of them had every time they touched replaced with a cold and uncomfortable atmosphere

Shadow noticed the difference and his mind immediately searched for where he went wrong feeling frustrated as he did so wondering why he should even care? It's not like it matters.

"I don't break promises." Shadow said nonchalantly as his gloved hand trailed through the grass inching closer to sonics "but i can make an exception" shadow's hand rested on top of sonics giving it a slight squeeze, shadow didn't look directly at sonic just watching him in his side vision, sonic was surprised not just by shadows words but also by him simply holding his hand sonic felt his face burn up he knew him and shadow held hands before but for some reason now it felt different.

"Really? You mean it?" Sonic questioned looking back to shadow with hopeful eyes shadow merely nodded his head sparing sonic a glance "I wouldn't lie about such a thing" shadow said making a wide smile form on sonics lips sonic scooted back to his original spot but couldn't help but lean against shadow feeling a sense of relief wash over him "why so happy?" Shadow said slightly confused "why wouldn't i feel happy? I get to stick around my friend, that's something to be happy about" sonic locked his eyes with shadows "so you really meant it when you said we were friends?" Shadow commented with a smirk on his muzzle "duh of course i meant it I'm not insensitive yknow" Sonic laughed "I thought you were just being childish or just saying that in the heat of the moment"

"What! Shads you think so low of me." sonic huffed but shadow only responded in a low chuckle, sonics ear flicked at the sound it was like music to his ears

He's heard shadow laugh before it was always directed at him but this time it felt different, it made him feel different.

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