Side By Side

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The news about Sunghoon and Sunoo dating spread like wildfire after someone from the photography club posted a photo of them holding hands.

Unsurprisingly, nobody in the college could believe that the former figure skater who represented South Korea in the Olympics is now going out with the music club's president.

"Isn't Kim Sunoo notorious for having a fling with like half of our school's population?"

"I know right? I heard this guy has no intention to be in a serious relationship."

"Do you all think that Park Sunghoon is clueless about Kim Sunoo's reputation?"

"I guess so? Since he rarely comes to college."

"But I see him frequently entering the music room these days. He should have been informed by now."

"Judging by the way he is always hiding in that room, I doubt that he is currently talking with anyone other than Kim Sunoo and his manservants."

"Haha true!"

"So should we ask him?"

"Ask him what? If he is volunteering to be Kim Sunoo's new boytoy on his own accord?"

Riki slams his palm on the table, loud enough to silence everyone in the cafeteria, especially those blabbermouths who seemingly can't grasp the concept of minding their own business.

"Speaking on Sunoo-san behind his back... The audacity!" Riki narrows his eyes, harshly stabbing the cold spaghetti with a fork "What a bunch of mannerless freaks."

"Exactly, they are the same bitches who would act all shy and nice around Sunoo hyung. Uggh, I feel like puking my guts out just by imagining it."

"Jungwonie, we are eating," Heeseung mutters, taking a deep breath "And try not to create a scene here Riki-ah, that will guarantee you a lecture from Sunoo."

Rolling his eyes, Riki continues eating his spaghetti "Way better than listening to those trash."

Heeseung tiredly shrugs off the freshman's response with a sigh and proceeds to check if he has received any reply from his bestfriend.

Heeseung: Sunflower, where the hell are you?

Heeseung: We are almost done with our lunch.

Sunoo: I'm sorry hyung but I had to stay back to discuss something with my professor.


The brunette can guess why the younger does not want to enter the cafeteria as of now but decides to let him go with that lame excuse.

He also sincerely hopes that Sunghoon's situation is much much worse than Sunoo's.


"Were you always this popular? Even the cheerleader team is looking at us weirdly," Jake runs his hand through his hair "My hair looks fine right?"

"Nobody is looking at you, Jake." Jay remarks, turning a blind eye to all the unsettling stares they are getting.

"I wish they were, cause I am this close to applying for a transfer certificate." Sunghoon says, his eyes wandering around the campus in search of a certain ravenette "Where is he?"

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