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“I will never recover from this.”

“Hoon, we can explain.”

“No, shut up, do not further traumatize me with explicit details.” Sunghoon covers his ears with his hands and hides his face on Sunoo's shoulder.

“Shhh hyung, calm down.” Sunoo pats
Sunghoon's back, trying but failing to calm him down.

Heeseung rolls his eyes so hard that Jay fears they might fall out and roll under the sofa.

“Dramatic much? I thought your job was to bring me and Jay together.”

“For your kind information, seeing YOU shoving your tongue down my BESTFRIEND's throat was NOT in my job description!” Sunghoon yells before diving into Sunoo's neck again, his smell is comforting okay?

Sunoo exhales loudly “Hyung.”

“Yes.” Heeseung and Sunghoon reply in unison, both giving each other a dirty look.

“Ah yeah, neither of you. Jay hyung!” Jay immediately straightens up after hearing his name “Did you by any chance kneel down and apologize to Heeseung hyung?”

“N-not exactly, I don't know, kinda-”

Sunghoon shrieks in shock “You did what?! Where is the shame? The decorum? The self-respect?”

“Can you shut up and let me talk-”

“No, you should have your free speech limited by the government!”

Jay grits his teeth in annoyance, mentally contemplating whether he should continue to speak or slam Sunghoon's head into a wall.

“Don't trouble yourself Jay-ah, I will explain.” Heeseung says while putting his hand on Jay's thigh. The american nods in response, cheeks flushing pink.

Sunoo averts his gaze at that.

Heeseung then speaks “Hmm, where do I begin...”


“.... so basically, you finally came to your senses and realised that you can no longer live, laugh, love in such conditions and called Jay again, who came running to your apartment like a simp, then he explained his side of the story and voila...” Sunoo gapes and looks at the two bewilderedly.

“Can't believe these all happened just cause one of you blew a tiny thing out of proportion.” Sunghoon comments, voice sounding unimpressed.

Don't get him wrong- he very much still blames himself, however he can't miss the opportunity to drive Lee Heeseung up the wall.

“And who do you think caused that tiny thing, Park?” Heeseung grits out.

“Hey hey, don't get your panties in a twist! I'm pointing fingers at nobody.” Sunghoon raises his hands in mock surrender. Heeseung continues to glare daggers at him.

“Is it so hard for you two to get along?” Jay says while pinching the bridge of his nose. Sunoo nods in agreement.

“Yeah hyung, please try to get along! You will be seeing Sunghoon more often from now.”

“Why? It's not like me and Jay are together.”

“We are not?” Jay turns towards the older, looking so betrayed and broken that something in Heeseung crumbles.

“Um, I mean, not officially... Yet. If there is no objection from Jay's side of course-” Heeseung stops and becomes embarrassed when he sees Jay staring at him as if he hung the stars.

Jay then jumps and hugs Heeseung tightly, eliciting a surprised gasp from the older.

“So no objection from both sides.” Sunghoon nudges Sunoo with his elbow, his lips quirking up on one side.

When he doesn't get a reaction, he looks at Sunoo's direction worryingly, only to see the younger sporting an expression of... Sadness?


“Sunghoon hyung...”

Sunghoon turns his head to face Sunoo who looks mildly distressed for some reason. They are currently outside the apartment; strolling together towards the parking spot where Jay kept his car.

Jay isn't with them though since he refuses to leave Heeseung's side for today.

“Yes Sunoo-ya, is something making you upset?” Sunghoon asks softly and begins to panic when he sees Sunoo's trembling lips.

He caresses the ravenette's cheeks with shaky hands while staring into his glossy eyes “Please speak, Sunoo-ya.”

“Hyung, you-” Sunoo stammers, grabbing the older's warm hands in his own.

“You no longer have to put up with my bullshit, hyung. I'm so sorry for making you do all these.” Sunoo smiles sadly at him.

Sunghoon feels his world falling apart.

“Let's end this, Sunghoon.”
Author Note: AHHH SORRY FOR THIS SHORT CHAPTER! I'm still stuck on outlining my sunsunjay and heesun fic and damnnnnn it's not even halfway completed ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

Author Note: AHHH SORRY FOR THIS SHORT CHAPTER! I'm still stuck on outlining my sunsunjay and heesun fic and damnnnnn it's not even halfway completed ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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I might upload a short sunjay fic after i'm done with my assignments (it will probably take forever)

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