Chapter 2 : The Choosing Of Squad Levi

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Your POV
It was night time, and I tried to process about what had happened in the last couple of hours. "Think just think." You thought.
-flashback in your POV-
People were mad that they were being told that they couldn't be in squad Levi. (That's what Levi decided to call his squad.) I knew I would make it, but I was still unsure. Then after a couple of hours, we all set off to get some lunch.
When Levi finished he went off and took Petra to the side. He started to talk to her in whispers, which made me jealous. "I hate her even more." You thought to yourself.
Then you started to overhear Gunther and Eld talking.
"...he wants to ask her out, I know it." Gunther was saying.
"Eh, I doubt it."
"No but really. Look at the way they look at each other."
Then I looked over, just in time to see Levi give Petra a peck on the cheek. She blushed and then I saw Levi mouth the words:"You're in my squad, Petra."
I was so done. I really liked the corporal, and I wanted him to myself.
"I'm going to the forest. If corporal calls then just tell him where I am ok?"
Then I ran off and got my horse - no, Levi's horse. If I was gone I wanted him to notice at least. I got in my maneuver gear, checked the gas to see if I had enough, and before I knew it, I was riding. So I rode off, and found the biggest tree in the forest, and swing to the very very top. As soon as I got to the top, I could see the beautiful stars glistening. It was a beautiful scene, I'd never seen anything like it. Then you heard someone screaming.
"BRAT WHERE ARE YOU?" It was Levi. You sighed and swung yourself out of the tree, and landed on your horse. Levi was staring right at you.
"What the hell were you thinking going out this late at night, brat?"
"I needed to cool down, corporal."
"No reason."
"Well I decided that you're going to be in squad Levi. You should be thankful brat."
And with that my frown had faded into a smile.
"Thank you, Heichou!" You screamed.
"Tch." Then you and he galloped back to HQ.
"I also picked two more members, Gunther and Eld. Also Hanji too. But I haven't told her yet. I'm too tired to tell her right now to deal with her screams." He said as he took the saddle off of his horse.
"I see."
"See you tomorrow at 5 o'clock sharp ok brat?"
"Ok. Bye Heichou!" You said as you left the stables.
-end of flashback-
That was a happy moment for you, and you knew you'd always keep it with you and you'd never forget about it. You checked the time. It was 12:00 a.m. "Wow!" You said aloud. "I seriously need some sleep if I'm waking up at five tomorrow." And with that you fell asleep, dreaming about how the next day could've gone.

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