Reason Ten ; I

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YOUR HEART DROPPED INTO YOUR STOMACH AT THEIR WORDS, you were barely able to find a sentence as you began to stammer. As the words left Hange's lips, it was as if your whole life had just came crashing down on top of you.

"That's-.." You shook your head, forcing a laugh as you felt your stomach instantly tighten, "That's not funny, Hange."

You acted as if it was a joke, but their straight face said otherwise.

You carried on: "That's.. impossible! Seriously, stop joking around."

Hange brushed hair from their eyes, their head shaking with a cold sigh, "It's not a joke.." Each word that fell from their mouth only damaged your heart more, "I kept the letters you sent Levi hidden, and I did the same to his. I figured that.. maybe if your communication stopped-.." Hange's jaw clenched, their eye tightly wrinkling to a shut as they began to rethink why they were telling you this, "I thought.. maybe you could learn to love me, if Levi was out of the picture."

Your e/c eyes suddenly began to water, your throat feeling tight with the betrayal they had admitted.

You parted your lips to speak, but no noise came out.

You struggled to believe it.

"You're lying. Tell me that you're lying, Hange!"

"I'm so sorry." Their voice only brought more tears to your eyes, "I'm.. sorry I wrote you that cruel letter, I'm sorry I broke you two up! I'm a terrible person.. I regretted sending it the second I wrote it, I swear!"

Your body shot up from the comfort of the seat as their golden eye widened, their chin tilted up to look at you with shock in their eyes.
"How could you, Hange? I've known you for most of my life, and you betrayed me like that! I-.. I-!"

"Don't you see?" Hange bit down onto their tongue, "I waited all of those years for you, I've loved you since we were twelve years old.. dammit! And he managed to make you fall for him in a heart beat."

Hange stepped forward as you felt another tear against your cheek.

"Tell me.. you don't have any feelings for me." They whispered, "Tell me, you feel nothing. Because I know that's not tr-"

"That's enough." A brooding voice called out from the doorway as you felt your heart stop, realising that it was none-other-than Levi.

You didn't know how long he had been stood there for; maybe just enough to see the argument; maybe during the kiss. You clenched your jaw, shutting your eyes tightly shut as your confusion towards the situation only grew.

"Levi.." Hange sighed, their cheek turning the opposite way with crimson blazing in their cheeks, "Listen. I-!"

"No, you listen." Levi crossed both arms over his chest, "You seriously tried to get in the middle of our relationship?" He demanded to know in his usual, cold voice, "The only.. relationship I've ever had, and you couldn't let me be happy? I've known you to be selfish, Hange.. but this is a whole new level."

"You knew I loved her, Levi. You must've - how could you have not?" Hange took a few moments to respond as you aimlessly stood between them, unsure on where to look to or what to do: "You saw the way I looked at her, and you listened to the way I spoke to her.. what did you expect me to do? Stand aside?"

Levi's silver eyes glared down towards the concrete rooftop, his muscles tensing underneath his shirt. Levi took a few moments to think, collecting his thoughts before swallowing nervously.

"Y/N. Leave." Levi snapped, twisting his head towards you as his body tensed up: "I think it's time me and Hange had a talk. Just the two of us."

Your brows furrowed together defensively, "No! This involves me just as much as the two of you, if anything, it involves me more-!"

"He's right." Hange agreed with a stern expression, their eye now half-closed, "You should go."

A rush of apoplexy fuelled you as you stepped towards the exit, your fingers curling around the metallic door; you turned back, wanting one of them to prevent you from leaving. But alas, their eyes continued to throw daggers at each other.

They heard as you closed the door as about ten moments of pure, hateful silence passed by.

Hange finally broke the silence by whispering aloud: "Levi."

"Hange. Talk."

𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now