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"I really need to work now." Levi's lip curled into a smirk as he huskily murmured, sat comfortably at his desk whilst you sat relaxed on his lap.

You ran your fingers through his soft hair, your lips melting into his with your fingertips tracing patterns on the soft skin of his nape. You could feel his ebony undercut against your skin as you pulled him close, feeling a high from his cologne.

You had no other thoughts apart from him as he kept one hand on your waist, the other holding onto a pen.

You moved your lips to his sharp jawline, savouring his taste on your mouth.

"Y/NN.." He sung your name with a groan as you giggled in between kisses, "You're too distracting; I can't concentrate on my work like this."

"Good.." You mumbled in between kisses, your tongue pressed against his soft skin as he sharply inhaled, "It means I'm doing something right."

He rolled his silver eyes as you massaged his shoulders, leaving a trail of purple marks on his pale skin from where you had kissed him so passionately.

"Y/N," A muttered your name in a cold tone, his head tilting with a half smirk against his lips, "I'm busy.. I don't have time for you right now. I need to finish the paperwork for our tea shop."

"You're meant to be my husband, aren't you?" You asked him as your lips cracked into a small smile, "Isn't it your duty to give me attention?"

Your husband of six months smiled shortly, placing his slender hands on both of your cheeks to pull your face close, "I love it when you refer to me as your husband."


Levi smirked, planting a gentle kiss against your forehead, "It feels strange that when we talk to eachover like this.. but a good strange."

He slowly spun his chair around with a sigh, weak to the look you were giving him. He affectionally planted a kiss on the back of your wrist. His kisses dragged up your fingertips, gently and innocently pressing his lips to your hand as his eyes remained locked with yours.

"It reminds me of how lucky I am to have you." Levi Ackerman admitted before moving his hands to your hips, pulling you closer to him with you still sat on his lap.

You cupped Levi's cheeks with your palms as your fingers traced against the dark scars on his face.

He rested his face against your hand, his eyes closing with relaxation as he melted into your touch.
Your face softened as you whispered: "You're too cute, sometimes."

His eyes snapped wide open: "Oi, watch it. And what do you mean sometimes?"

"Sorry, Captain." You giggled childishly in a condescending tone.

"Captain?" He sighed through his nose, shaking his head with a faint smirk on his cherry-pink lips - "We haven't been Scouts since the War ended, and you still love to tease me by calling me Captain. How immature, Y/N Ackerman.."

"Come on." You whined, "Give me attention."

It took time for your friendship with Hange to recover from everything that had happened. Months, even. It wasn't until four months after you chose Levi that you both sat together for a meal - and even then, it was filled with pure silence.

Your friendship was never the same.

But that didn't stop you and Levi from visiting Hange's grave at least once a week, leaving flowers and small bearings at their head stone.

You never forgave yourself for what had happened; for never saying good bye, and never getting closure over your friendship. They were your best friend from the age of twelve and into your adulthood, and now you didn't even have a picture to remember them by.

And even three and a half years after their death, you still found yourself crying whenever you saw something that reminded you of them. A pair of goggles, or one of their favourite books could set you into a whirlwind of emotions.

But you didn't regret Levi. He was one of the only things in your life you were certain of. You didn't think it was possible to love him more, but found yourself falling deeper and deeper every single day. From waking up in his arms, to working together in your tea shop: you wouldn't have given Levi up for anything.

Levi's eyes locked onto your lips, then back onto your eyes; you felt your heart weaken.

You watched his face lean in slightly, tempting you to lean the rest of the way. Your heart raced beneath your blouse, watching his brooding eyes lazily half-close.

You leaned closer: your lips just two inches away from each over.

He raised his hand along your neck, slowly tracing up your jaw, before cupping around your cheek. His thumb stroked your skin calmly.



His expression was both soft and serious whilst his eyes stayed focused on your lips, his breaths against your lips as he spoke: "You don't know how lucky I am to have you."

"I'm the lucky one."

"Believe me. I love you more than anything else on Earth." Levi leant in closer as your eyes closed, feeling his soft lips finally melt against yours.

His kiss was gentle, his fingers still lingering against your cheek to pull you closer against him. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest as he held you close to him.

His lips tasted sweet: you savoured the taste as you deepened into his kiss.

Levi's other hand began to trace against your body, holding firmly onto your thigh. You were almost surprised by the softness: how slow his kiss was, and carefully he handled your figure as he pulled you closer.

His thumb traced down against your chin, nudging down to part your lips for him to deepen into the kiss; his tongue slowly traced patterns against yours as you felt yourself pull him closer, his chest beginning to curl against you.

You parted your lips from eachover, instantly inhaling a breath of fresh air; still holding eachover closely.

The edge of Levi's lip curled into a smirk, "Come on, gorgeous." He whispered, "Let's take this some place else."

A chuckle fell carelessly from your mouth as his lips instantly leaned closer to yours, kissing you once again. You smiled inbetween kisses; you felt yourself mindlessly giggle.

"What about-.." You paused, your sentence broken by his kisses, "Your-.. Mn. Your paperwork?"

Levi's hand travelled to your back, his fingers lurking barely beneath your shirt; he drew patterns against a soft spot of your skin.

You finally felt Levi pull away, his forehead leaning against yours. You could feel his breaths against you.

"I don't care about my work right now." Levi whispered to you.

"That's very unlike you to say."

"You've changed me, Y/N." Levi pecked your lips swiftly, then did it again: "I'm a different person when I'm with you.."

Levi's fingers tightened against your skin as his dark, silver eyes stayed locked with yours. The same eyes you'd become so enamoured with when he'd first saved you so many years ago. You stared deeply into them, feeling yourself become lost in the greys and silvers.

"I love you, Y/N." Levi Ackerman brushed his fingers against your cheek, offering you a smile that once was a rare sight, but now you saw so often, "And I'll love you forever. Until the very end."

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