Reason four ; I

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THE SUNLIGHT KISSED YOUR FACE, as you ran your fingers through the mane of your horse. You traced your hand along her jawline, softly shushing her down as she sharply exhaled through her long nose.

"Atta, girl.." You offered a smile, feeling her dense hair inbetween your fingertips.

Your horse fiercely shook her head with another huff as you let go, beginning to close the gate to her stable.

All on your mind was the previous night: it repeated itself like a broken record, focusing on the worst parts. Your stomach sickened and twisted as the sound of his cold voice lingered in your ears; your heart aching deeply.

You'd woken up with swollen eyes after a night of crying into your pillow, having to dunk your head into cold water to reduce the puffiness. Your throat had a croak when you spoke, and your feet hurt from the heels.

You sighed, placing down a bucket on the hay-covered floor of the stables before dusting off your trousers.

"Hey, Y/N!" Hange's voice suddenly called out as you heard the wooden doors swing open, "What are you up to? Recovering from last night?"

Your head snapped around, "How did you know about that-!"

Hange innocently cocked their head to the side with a charming smile, "Know about what?"

You sighed, realising that they were only talking about the ball as you began to walk over to your oldest friend, "Nothing-.. it doesn't matter. I'm just tired, that's all." You deflected, not wanting to talk about what had went down between you and Levi, "What do you need?"

"Your fashion expertise.. mostly."

You tilted your head to the side, "How come?"

Hange leant out their arms, rolling up their cream-coloured sleeves to reveal their forearms. The Commander pulled their body up onto a fence to sit down, letting out a hoarse sigh.
"There's a meeting in a week and I need a new suit-jacket," They answered, "You wanna go clothes shopping?"

Your eyes lit up, "We haven't been clothes shopping together since-.."

Hange chuckled under their breath, "Since we were still Cadets."

"You hate clothes shopping!"

"I know.. that's why I need your help." They practically begged you, furrowing their brows in desperation, "Please! Please; please.."

You glanced over your shoulder as they sheepishly pushed their glasses up their hooked nose.
"Sounds fun, Hange." You smiled as they beamed back.

"I'll meet you outside of my office at 4 o'clock."

The late evening soon came by.

You brushed off your clothes and tightened your fawn-jacket around your shoulders, preparing yourself for the chill outside as the night air glared at you from the window.

You opened the door to your bedroom and quickly met with Hange outside of their office where you had planned to meet, smiling at the sight of their silhouette.

The Commander raised their slender hand as if to acknowledge that you were there, parting their lips to smile brightly as they extended their arm for you to take it.

You linked your arm with theirs without thinking twice, the woody smell of their jacket filling your senses as they began to lead you down the hall.

"So, where are we going?" You asked your best friend.

"I was thinking down town," They responded in a tired voice, pushing strands of auburn hair past their ear: "We can catch dinner, too. My treat."

They pushed the front doors open as a cold air covered your body, soaking your skin in goosebumps; you felt as Hange Zoë pulled your body in closer, their teeth gritting.

Hange clenched their sharp jaw, burying their mouth behind the top of their jacket as smoke left their soft, cherry-pink lips.
"So," You began to ask them as you slowly became used to the cold weather, "What's this meeting about, anyway?"

They shrugged their shoulders casually, "Beats me, Zeke called it."


You hesitated.

"Hange, who's Zeke?"

Hange's eyes widened slightly, their slender brow raising above their bronze-rimmed glasses: "I forgot-.. heh." They awkwardly began, turning their cheek away, "A lot has changed since you were last here.."

"Tell me about it." You scoffed, shaking your head.

You felt a cramp form in your chest as you recalled the previous night.

Hange's golden eyes glanced over to you, their expression softening instantly as they analysed each part of your face; the light in your eyes; the parting of your lips; the solemn expression.

"What's up?" They lowered their voice as your eyes widened, "I can tell when somethings wrong, so there's no use in hiding it."

You sighed through your nose, "Me and.. Levi-.."

Their amber eyes shot open.

"We spoke.. last night after you left Historia's ball." You murmured, rubbing the sore spot of your neck as your eyes half-closed, "I don't think it could've been any worse."

"How so?"

"He essentially told me he wants nothing to do with me."

"I'm sure that's not true," Hange  gently nudged your side, offering you their classic, warm smile: "After all, who in hell would want nothing to do with you?" You stopped walking for a few moments as they moved their body infront of you, unhooking their arm with yours, "I'm sure there's more to the story, huh? Did he give you a reason, at least?"

You slapped your hand against your forehead, "He told me that 'he's tired of running around in circles when it comes to me'."

Hange swallowed awkwardly, unsure on how to comfort you.

Their brows twitched together sympathetically, "I mean-.." They hesitated, before locking their brows in a furrowed expression as they sharply exhaled.

You could see them bite their tongue as their mind went back and forth over whether or not they should say what they wanted to say.

You whispered, "Hange..", to try and tempt them to spill what was obviously plaguing their mind.

"You-.." They guiltily looked away, "You should've seen him after you left, Y/N."

Your eyes widened a little, your interest instantly peaked as Hange's expression grew more uncomfortable.

"He.. was a wreck, to say the least." Hange's voice softened as their amber eyes glanced around, unsure on how much more they should say before it became too much: "More silent; more cold; more alone than he had been before. I've known him for years, and I don't think I've ever seen him so.." Their eyes slowly closed, lowering their head, "So unalive. Maybe that's why he ended things with you - because it was too painful to keep things going, whilst knowing it could be years before he could see you."


Hange sighed once more, before curling the edge of their lip up whilst entwining their arm with yours, "Come on, let's just enjoy tonight - hm? How about we head to that shop over there?" They extended their arm as you tried to shake yourself of Hange's words, "I've heard good things of their suits!"

"Sure, Hange."

𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now