Reason three ; I

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THE RIDE HOME WAS PURE SILENCE, only twelve Scouts had made it back from the mission.

Armin rode beside you, neither of you speaking of the expedition you had just endured.

You kept seeing Levi out of the corner of your eye: his grey iris fixed in front of him. He rode far away from you, barely apart of the group as he slowly drew behind.

Your heart ached. Deeply.

It was nightfall by the time you arrived back in the walls; the stars twinkled above you as silver rays of light seeped into your skin. Your eyes slowly drifted closed, exhaling softly as mist left your lips.

You pretended there was no one else in the world but you; you pulled yourself completely out of your own body. And for a few moments, it worked: silence filled your ears. You fell into a deep, calm relaxation that seized your mind.

Or at least, that was until you heard a voice call your name.

"Y/N L/N!" A man yelled from afar as Armin paused, placing a hand protectively in front of you.

Two members of the Military police you didn't recognise began to walk closer to you out of thin air, both of them giving you a formal salute. You saluted back, unsure on what they wanted.

"You've been asked by her Majesty, the Queen, to visit the palace."

Your face dropped, "Say what now?"

The two MP's shrugged to themselves, glancing to each other awkwardly: "Historia wishes to speak with you, Y/N. We weren't told why."

'The queen.. wants to speak to me?' You internally panicked, anxiety and exhilaration swelling in your chest as your breaths became hitched, 'But why me? And why now? I wonder if this has to do with why I was asked to return.'

"I-.. Oh." You turned to Armin, giving him a worried look, "Should I be worried, Armin?"

The blonde offered you a comforting smile as he placed his hand on your shoulder, strands of hair falling above his Saphire-eyes, "Of course not. I'm sure there's a perfectly normal reason as to why she wants to speak to you."

You swallowed, glancing back as your ex's eyes locked onto yours. Levi had a puzzled expression.

"She's nice, you know." Armin interrupted your thoughts once more, "Historia has always been a very kind-hearted person."

"You know her personally?"

"Of course! She's one of my closest friends!"

You gave him a reassuring nod despite feeling your anxiety only increase; "I'll trust your judgement."

"Come on," One of the Military Police members groaned, "We haven't got all night! Hurry up."

You swallowed once again as you anxiously glanced back at Levi; except this time, his eyes were facing the other way. You shook off your disappointment before beginning to follow after the two members of the Military Police.

The palace was bigger than you could have imagined; bright, colourfully-stained windows gazed down at you; silver and grey arrays of moonlight glared against the articulate structure; one of the biggest courtyards you'd ever seen lurked infront of you.

You let out a small gasp, overwhelmed with the sight of the castle infront of you as your head suddenly felt lighter. You could hear different soldiers yell at your arrival as you rode about a meter behind the two Military Policemen.

After the palace gates were closed behind you, you hopped off of your horse. She was taken by a Maid to a stable to rest with the other horses whilst you were in the palace.

𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now