Reason five ; I

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YOU RACED HOME, the drizzle of rain that was falling down onto your body filled the silence between you both. You hardly said a word to each other until they wished you 'Goodnight' after walking you to your bedroom.

"Sleep well," Hange offered you a faint smile, tilting their head with their fingertips clasped around the door-frame, "It's a big day tomorrow, you'll want your rest."

You cocked your head, unsure on what they were referring to.

Hange sighed, instantly able to read your confused face: "The Ceremony? I told you about it a few weeks ago, all Scouts have been asked to attend, as well as the Military Police and Garrisons."

"Right." You nodded, "I'll be there."

Hange nodded back, before wishing you good night once more as they made their way to their office to finish up some work.

As soon as you closed the door, you felt your hand slap against your forehead, letting out a short groan of frustration towards your own feelings.

Too much had already happened to you in such a little space of time, and your different emotions were overlapping in a way you didn't recognise.

With another groan, you dropped your clothes to the floor, changing into some comfortable pyjamas despite being too wide-awake to sleep. In spite of your hair still being wet, you lazily climbed into your bed, your eyes locked onto the ceiling above.

You barely slept that night. Or at least, that was what it felt like as you tossed and turned for hours on end, feeling anxiety over the following days.

And, just to add to it, the Universe decided to make matters worse and cause you even more suffering.

With a sickness.

Turns out running home in the rain last night without an umbrella and not drying your hair was a grave mistake.

Your eyes cracked open to the stroke of dawn the next morning, instantly feeling as if something was dragging you down into your own bed: like there were one-thousand weights strapped to your entire body.

You groaned a little, unable to breathe through your nose as hazy gasps left your lips.

You heard a knock at your door, "Hello? Y/N," A tired voice spoke, "Why aren't you up yet? We were supposed to be ready ten minutes ago.." Hange finally cracked open your bedroom door before their mouth dropped, giving you a weak glare: "Yikes, you like like shit!"

"Thank you, Hange." You mumbled under your breath, your voice slightly nasally as your eyes slowly looked around.

Hange sighed, sitting against the side of your bed as they pressed the backs of their knuckles on your forehead. They gave you a defeated sigh, running their fingertips through their short hair before retracting their hand.

"You're not well."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"There's no need for sarcasm, idiot.." They extended their finger as you weakly and breathily laughed, before stopping as your brain throbbed inside of your skull, "I'm assuming you're not going to the ceremony then."

"Ouch-.." You grumbled at the pain in your head - this was practically answer enough to not that you were not attending.

Hange sighed once more, "I'll let them know I can't make it. You need someone to stay and look after you."

You shook your head, offering them a faint smile at his caring: "I'll okay, I promise." You softly spoke, sniffling slightly, "I can take care of myself perfectly fine - there's no need to worry about me. Besides, you're the Commander. They'll need you at this ceremony."

𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now