Reason Eight ; I

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TIME BEGAN TO FINALLY DWINDLE BY, and you felt like you were at last settling back into the Survey Corps routine. Almost an entire month more had passed you all by.

You sat in the Barracks library, your body bundled over a chair with your legs dangling from the arms.

You read a book you hadn't read before, sighing boredly with nothing else to do with yourself. You quietly read it out loud to yourself, mumbling the words as you fidgeted with the light, cream pages.

It was the mid-evening and there was an orange glow that leaked inside of the large windows of the library. It cascaded citrus-coloured shadows against the different books as the night began to get closer.

The library was completely desolate.

Or at least, that was what you thought until you began to hear footsteps from one of the other isles.

Your eyebrow raised, your interest peaked as a mystery person slid a book from the shelf, skimming through the pages as the light breeze moved their hair.

You got up, "Hello?" You called out, both curious and nervous as to who was there with you.

A figure wandered out of the isle as your expression eased, Levi coming out with a surprised expression to see you there.
He raised a hand to wave politely, the book still in his hands as you calmly walked over.

"Hey there, stranger," You smiled at him as he nodded, surprised to see you there, "What're you doing here?"

Levi shrugged casually, "Just got bored and decided I'd come to the library for ghe first time.." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head as you snickered, "What 'bout you?"

"Same here." You told him, "Care to read together?" You offered him as his eyes lit up, "I  could use some company.. plus, I found a pretty nice place to read in here that no one else goes to."

"Just like old times, huh?"

You nodded, before sitting down beside him, both of you beginning to read separate books, talking to eachover every few minutes about what you'd read - sharing what was happening.

"This book is amazing.." You muttered under your breath, a few hours soon passing you by as you looked up at him, "I forgot how many good stories this library has."

Levi closed the cover of his book, leaning his chin on his fist: you glanced down at the front cover.

"Horoscopes?" You read aloud, "I never knew you were into stuff like that."

Levi pushed the book forward as his eyes glanced out of the large window, the fruity colours of the sunset reflecting off of the steel-grey in his eyes, "I'm waiting for sundown.." He answered, his long fingers gesturing towards the outside world.

"How come?"

"I've never seen the sky so clear before.. and I want to spend as much time as possible underneath it, taking in every inch of stars that I can."

You felt yourself smile as you listened to every word, your eyes glued onto his calm expression.

Levi bashfully glanced away, "It might seem childish to you-" He began, "But I never got to see the stars until-.. hell. The first time I saw a star I was in my mid-twenties, so I like to spend every moment I can watching them." Levi nodded, pausing for a few moments with the same solemn look as before, "I'd never take them for granted."

You smiled sympathetically, listening to every word he was saying: "I can't imagine that.. never having saw the sky until my twenties."

"It was.. awful." Levi began to stand as he lifted the book into his grasp, as well as yours, to put them both back, "But.. if anything, that makes me more grateful for the fact that I can see it today."

You followed him as he began to walk over to a large shelf filled with vibrant coloured books to put one of them back.

"You could come with me, you know.." Levi offered, his shoulder shrugging slightly as his eyes shyly refused to meet yours, a low pink covering his cheeks, "I wouldn't mind the company.."

"To stargaze?"

Levi hesitated, his cheeks only growing more crimson: "Yeah-... to stargaze."

You felt your heart pick up pace at the idea as you smiled, "Yeah! That sounds really nice."

His head shot up, his smile mirroring yours.
"Really?" He questioned, leaning in a closer, "I'm.. glad." He beamed, genuinely weak to you, "Meet me outside of my office at 12 o'clock, I'll bring my O.D.M gear."

Your eyes suddenly widened.

"I-.." Your eyebrows both raised up in surprise, "ODM gear? Where the hell are you taking me?"

"What's that scared look for?" A smirk rose on Levi's lips as he bathed in the shock of your face, "I didn't realise you had gotten so boring over the past four years." He whispered with a teasing smile, before leading the way of out of the library as you hesitantly followed behind.

𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now