Reason five : II

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LEVI'S FACE HAD RELAXED, his lips almost tilted upwards as he took in your words. He thought to himself for a few moments.

Captain Levi wasn't sure on why he had felt such a desperate need to come check on you whilst he was working - even whilst preparing the tea in his office to bring in to you, he felt confusion as to why he even cared. But maybe now he knew why:

he missed you.

And he hated that fact. Loathed it, even.

He sighed as his brows furrowed together, bringing his hand up to massage the sore spot at the back of his neck; his fingertips swept past his undercut.

"You really need to watch your mouth.." He finally responded as his eyebrows twitched together, his voice hoarse with a slight rasp: "It could get you into trouble one day."

You sipped back on the tea, "With who? You?"

"Big time."

"Oh, please," You scowled at the ebony-haired man, a smirk beginning to arise from your lips, "You don't scare me. I've dealt with far worse things than you, Levi. Far taller, too-.."

"Oi," Levi finally snapped, leaning forward as he pressed his hand against the duvet, "Behave." His brooding voice murmured, "Just because you're sick doesn't mean you're getting away with this.. I'm open to corporal punishment."

"Mmph." You scowled once more, "I forgot how blunt you can be, too."

"That's your problem, not mine." He scoffed a little, the edge of his lip curling up into a subtle smirk: "Just appreciate the tea whilst you can, I only made it because you were sick."

You felt your lips curl up, "It.. is making my feel better. Thank you, Levi."

"Don't worry about it," He shook his head, "I put honey in, it should help your throat." Levi hesitated for a few moments as his silver eyes stayed glued onto yours, refusing to look away, "Consider it a thank-you."

"A thank you?"

He nodded: "For saving me.. the day after you got back."

"I thought you said we were even."

"We weren't though, were we?" The Captain leant past you to place down his cup of tea, you inhaled a rich scent: it was a fresh aroma of his dewy cologne, it lingered in your senses for a few moments afterwards as you enjoyed the addicting smell, "I may have saved you four years ago.. but in a way, you had saved me years before that."

You tilted your head, unsure on what he was referring to.

"You still can't remember then?" He sighed, embarrassment taking over his face, "Can you remember when you left and I told you about the time you had tended to my injuries? Right after I'd became a Scout?"

Your eyes widened, "I remember you telling me, yes."

"I may have saved you once, but you helped me twice." His muscular arms formers a shrug, "A drink is the least I could do.. especially since I don't like having unpaid debts."

You placed your hand on top of your head as a throbbing pain seized your mind, the head ache from earlier making a swift return as you felt yourself groan.

Levi moved swiftly, picking up the clean-cloth from the tray he had bought in before pressing his knee beside you to lean over. Without a seconds more thought he placed the cloth on your forehead as you realised it was warm; your eyes fluttered closed, squinting as you awaited for the pain to stop.

"Take a deep breath," Levi ordered, "Please?"

You did as you were told, beginning to take deeper breaths as Levi kept the warm cloth against your skin.

𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now