Now you have read Book Two of the Posionwood Bible. Utilizing your understanding of what makes Nathan tick, compose a monologue from his perspective, explaining to Rachel why he did what he did. Be sure to capture his personality attributes in your writing.[FOR THE READER] Note the Posionwood Bible takes place in the 1900s. The basis of this book is that Nathan and his family become a missionary family and must travel to Africa to "cleanse the sinners." Their preconceived belief at this moment of the book is that the people of Africa are not people of God, and they must heal them before returning to the States. [SPOILERS→] For more details, Nathan's family is due to get on a plane because war is supposed to happen in Africa. However, Nathan neglects the others (notably pushing away one of his daughters Rachel) and only takes one child, Leah, with him to watch a Congolese independence ceremony.
My heavenly daughter, forgive my harmful actions.
Our Father calls us to reside in these sinful, dirty, unclean lands. We must be faithful followers, guided by His hand, and, in turn, cleanse the lawless souls of Africa. We can't stray from his calling. We can't deviate from his booming voice, for He gave us mercy when He died on the cross, and we need to obey his lead. I hold onto his hand with my eyes closed. You must learn to do the same.
Do not swallow the pain of walking in muddy waters, carrying big baskets, or eating food you've never eaten. Do not be content with our separate worlds, facing away from your future brothers and sisters. Seek hope within their people. We came here not for the money, fame, or promise. We came here to carry out the Lord's wishes. We must build the body of the church, bathe the weary souls, and show them the peaceful light of God.
Your sisters have remained ungrateful for this holy opportunity to get closer to the Father and help his people. However, you and your mother bear your teeth at the sight of the sinners. You coward away when faced with evil. You scorn their delicacies and label their clothes as disgusting garments. Your watercolor eyes only see their social status over character. I pushed you away because we are not on the same page in pursuing the roots of the Lord. Ruth May is too curious. She broke her arm, for heaven's sake! No girl should be so quick to disobey her parents and damage her God-given vessel. Adah is careless. She almost died from a lion and did not attribute her saving to the work of the Lord. Every woman in this house has strayed farther from God, wishing to leave this place and return to our periodic lives.
Not Leah.
Leah trusts in the Father. She puts her hands on the ground, feeling the blessed soil He gave us. She dedicates herself to learning about these sinners, their traditions, and their church. Her heart has become much purer as she's spent time with me and more missionaries and asked questions about our wonderful savior. Her attitude has only improved since we came to Africa. She does not let her skin color or previous routine get in the way of adjusting to God's plan. She has awoken and exists with His heavenly breath. She is truly a chosen one of the Lord. She is of loyal disciples.
Only she must board the plane with me.
Writer in Progress
Non-FictionAs an aspiring author and journalist, I have been taking literary courses to expand my horizon as a writer. Whether that be illustrating from different perspectives, recording naturalistic observations, or analyzing TV shows... I have been growing i...