Chapter 26 - Armin's Ending

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~Zoey's P.O.V~

~2 Weeks Later~

I was reading the Attack on Titan manga, which I wished here earlier, and slowly eating Lucky charms. Just the marshmallows. Cause that's the only good part. Yeah.

Anyways, I was calmly reading when I heard my door open slowly. I turned to see Armin standing in the door. "Yeah Armin, you need something?" I asked sweetly, before returning to reading.

I didn't realize he was so close until I turned to talk to him, and he was a couple inches away from my face. I squeaked in surprise, my cheeks turning a dark red, similar to his.

He stuttered out an apology, scurrying back towards the door and I couldn't help the little "aww" that made it's way (downtown) out of my parted lips. His blush deepened. "w-w-what was t-that for?"

I had to hold in another squeal as the first one was embarrassing enough. "U-uh it's just t-that..." I started, looking towards the ground. The marshmallows and manga were long forgotten now.

"You're r-really c-cute" I cursed my stuttering. I looked up to find Armin's cheeks an deep, deep red. Seeing his blush, made me blush.

He slowly raised his finger, pointing it at himself. "M-me?" He mumbled. I slowly nodded. "Well, t-thank you" He said, barely above a whisper, blush stained against his cheeks like paint on a canvas.

The only word I could think to describe this moment was cute. He suddenly scratched the back of his neck and sighing. "Zoey, can I ask you something?"

I nod my head and wait for him to continue. "Ireallylikeyoumorethenafriend!" He said really quickly, I wasn't able to make out what he said. "What? slow down"

He took a breath "I, r-really like y-you Zoey" He stutters, looking towards the ground, shuffling his feet nervously. My eyes widened and my mouth was agape.

Armin shyly looked up at me, and when he saw my reaction, he winced. He started taking slow steps to the door. I gasped and ran to him when he was opening the door.

I hugged him tightly, the door slamming closed and his stomach pressed against it. He stiffened at my action, but slowly relaxed. I giggled, sniffing his hair.

He shifted. "W-what?" I smiled. "Your hair smells good, like strawberries" I spoke, inhaling his sweet scent. "H-heh.. thank you?" he squeaked.

I laughed and turned him around. "You now what's really good?" I asked with a grin, him nodding his head no. I released him from the hug, and he turned towards me, blush still evident on his cheeks.

"Strawberries dipped in CHOCOLATE!" I continued, my eyes gleaming just thinking about the tasty treat. He chuckled, his nervousness dying down a bit.

"Why don't you wish for some?" I gasped. "Yes! Have you had them before?" He shook his head. I grasped his shoulders, guiding him towards the bed, and forcing him to sit.

"I wish I had A LOT of strawberries dipped in chocolate!" I announced, and a large box of them soon lay upon the bed. I smiled in triumph before picking one up by the stem.

"Armin" I started, causing his to look at me. "Say aahh!" I said with a giggle. He blushed and nodded, opening his mouth and quietly saying 'ahh'

I stuck the strawberry in his mouth, and he bit down. I pulled back and threw the stem onto my bed, not caring if it dirtied it. I sat on the bed, and opened my mouth wide, closing my eyes.

Nothing happened for about 10 seconds until I felt the sweetness of the chocolate come in contact with my tongue. I bit down and moaned, they were AMAZING.

I opened my eyes to see Armin with a slight blush and I smiled, swallowing the strawberry. This continued until there were no more strawberries, both of us feeding each other.

After I was done, I got a bit sleepy. I rubbed my eyes with balled fists and yawned. I opened my eyes sleepily, my eyes only open half way.

Armin got up suddenly, moving the stems and empty box to my desk, and lied my down on my bed. Just as he was going, I mumbled.

"What?" he asked, and I blushed slightly, a little embarrassed by my own request. "Can.. Can you please stay?" I said a little louder, and his eyes widened, but ne nodded slowly.

I scooted over in the bed, and he crawled in beside me. I was cold so I moved close to him, wrapping my arms around him, and he let out a surprised squeak, but didn't shake me off of him.

I cuddled as close as I could, my stomach and chest area pressing against his back. He was really warm, his heat and scent enveloping me, making me hum in content.

"Goodnight Armin, I love you" The last part slipped out of my mouth, but I didn't deny the fact that, yes, I loved Armin. He stiffened for a second, before relaxing again. "Goodnight Zoey, I love you too" he said, just above a whisper.

I soon drifted off to sleep, enjoying the presence of the one I held most dear to me.


I Decided to make an Armin ending because Luna3231668 asked my to.. so yeahhh.

asked me yeah....

I hope you like it!

If you have suggestions for who else I should do an ending with, tell me in the comments!

Toodooloo for now Reader-chans!!

~Steph xxx

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