{A/N} - I'm going to try to make this in the Titan's P.O.V. Zoey has been teaching him about humans and herself. She named him and they quickly became good friends. Now onto the story!
-Timeskip to a few days later-
~Third Person P.O.V~
The titan, now named Albert, gathered fish from the nearby pond and brought them to Zoey. She was currently sleeping in the handmade, leaf bed Albert helped her make. He placed them down on a pile of dry leaves and admired Zoey. He truly thought she was beautiful, her personality, her features, everything.He froze when he heard her mumble something in her sleep.
~Albert's P.O.V~
I leaned closer to Zoey so I could make out what she was mumbling."Stop..." I heard he mumble. My eyes widened,'What could she possibly be dreaming about?' I thought. I continued to listen to see if there was anything else she would say that would answer my question.
"It hurts....stop..please"She whimpered, wriggling slightly in the small bed.'Someone hurt her, who would hurt such beauty?' I pondered. She was really amazing, nice, sweet, funny, I couldn't possibly find a reason to hurt her, ever. I heard hooves in the distance and I froze, other humans. These ones weren't nice like Zoey though.. they have tried to kill me, even though I have never done anything to them.
The sound of hooves hitting dirt got louder and louder and then they suddenly stop. I came into realization, they found us. I slowly turned my head to the direction of where the hoof sounds came from. There, right in front of me, were about 10 humans, all atop of horses. My eyes widened in fear and grabbed Zoey protectively with one hand and covered the nape of my neck with the other. Zoey told me that was my gratest weak spot.
I hastily looked at the humans, I focused on three in particular. One male with raven locks and steel gray eyes that looked almost unintrested in this situation. Another male with blonde hair, bright blue eyes and an extreme poker face{A/N - thats Erwin for you! xD} They both scared me to the point where I scooted back a few metres.
The other one was scary in her own way. She had brown hair pulled back into a ponytail with glasses over her eyes. Her eyes had an extremely insane glint to then and her smile looked almost painful. She was bouncing atop of her horse with what I thought was excitement. I looked down to my hand when I felt movement inside it. Zoey was squirming in my hold, then he fluttered her eyes open.
{A/N} -Vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I hope you really enjoyed the chapter!

A Wish (An Attack On Titan Fanfiction)
FanfictionZoey McBride is a 17 year old girl who is obsessed with anime. Her favourite is Attack On Titan. She wishes that she could travel to the Attack On Titan world so she can avoid all of her bulling and abusive problems. Will her dream come true? Will i...