{A/N} - I know that the chapter 24 has nothing to do with the first to endings, so this one will be right after the 24th chapter instead of a huge timeskip..
~Zoey's P.O.V~
I came into consciousness with the dull pain in both arms and the distant sounds of... voices? There was a pinching feeling in my arm, oh needles.. I love you so much. (note the sarcasm) But my left hand was being held down. I slowly opened my eyes to look around.
I saw the white walls, bland floors, and an all around boring room. The Infirmary never seizes to bore the hell outta me. I looked at my left arm to see Eren hunched over on a chair, cuddling my hand. His head placed on top of his hand. His hand was loosely gripping mine, squished between my hand and his cheek. it looked absolutely adorable.
I couldn't help the deep blush that made it's way onto my face, his touch tingling my skin. He was fast asleep so I didn't want to be rude and wake him, so I lightly tried removing my hand from his, which only made his hand grip mine harder.
I blushed and tried again, but he made a quiet groan and fluttered his eyes open. "Oh! Eren's awake, and Zoey!" I heard Armin say as he and Mikasa came walked up beside Eren. Eren rubbed his eye and yawned, which made my fading blush quickly re-surface.
He looked at me for about 5 seconds with half lidded eyes before it clicked and his eyes widened and he gasped. "You're awake!" He yelled while grinning. He squeezed my hand tightly and that's when I noticed, he hasn't let go of my hand yet.
I blushed, looking down and that's when he noticed. He let go of my hand, stuttering apologies. I giggled and looked up at him, smiling. "It's ok Eren, don't worry" I noticed the blush adorning his cheeks and bit my lip.
"Eren is your back ok? You slept there the past 3 days!" Mikasa exclaimed, her eyes full of concern for her beloved half-brother. I gasped. Three days? I was asleep for three fucking days!! Oh damn.. I'm still tired through, that's weird.
You would think if you slept for three days straight then you would be energetic and ready for the day, pssh I'm the exact opposite. Then I blushed, Eren stayed here for me, he stayed with me. I looked at him. Dark bags under his eyes, his hair disheveled.
"You did that.. for me?" I asked, just above a whisper. He nodded, "I would do anything for you" Cue the blushing. Armin was glancing at both of us, and smiled. He grabbed Mikasa's hand and dragged her ( lightly cause we all know that Armin's specialty is more brains then brawn) Mikasa threw one more glance at Eren before she closed the door behind her.
I returned my attention towards Eren and he smiled nervously. "U-uh Zoey, I want to ask you something" "Shoot" He took both of my hands, causing me to turn more towards him. "Will you...will you be my girlfriend" My eyes widened and my mouth suddenly went dry.
The only thing I could do was nod. I frantically nodded my head and he grinned. He then stood and circled the bed, since the wires were connected to my left arm, he went to the right side. He proceeded to climb into the small bed, after taking his boots and jacket off.
I blushed as he got closer and wrapped his arm around my waist, his breath tickling my neck. I squeaked and he chuckled. After my nerves calmed down, I relaxed into his touch. His warmth soon sent me off to sleep, peacefully dreaming of flying unicorns and talking grasshoppers. {A/N} - I honestly don't even know >-<
"Where the fuck is that titan brat?" A certain Corporal shorty growled as he stormed through the Infirmary. He slammed the door open to the room where Zoey McBride was given. He knew those two were close, but he didn't think this close.
He opened the door to find Jeager and McBride cuddling in the small bed, both fast alseep. His eyes widened in surprise before his right eye twitched in irritation. "What the actual fuck?!"
{A/N} - Hello!
Daayum, I haven't updated in forever.. Sorry!
I've tried so many times to come up with a plot, but it never works..
Please tell me who you want an ending with because I don't feel motivated to do any more endings.. Bleh.
Anyways, Vote, Comment, and Follow if you enjoyed!

A Wish (An Attack On Titan Fanfiction)
FanficZoey McBride is a 17 year old girl who is obsessed with anime. Her favourite is Attack On Titan. She wishes that she could travel to the Attack On Titan world so she can avoid all of her bulling and abusive problems. Will her dream come true? Will i...